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Thread: 12 months 1 point? opinions.

  1. #1
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    12 months 1 point? opinions.

    Hey guys and girls!

    I get my licence back on the 11th of march and for 2 months there won't be any problems. After 2 months Vic roads are going to send me a notice stating I gained more than the 5 points I was allowed (I got 19).

    I will then have the option of loosing it for 6 months (that sucks heaps!) or keeping it for 12 months on 1 point.

    I believe I will drive sensibly and won't run a muck! But from other peoples thoughts and what has happened to them they have told me to take the 6 months. If I do anything wrong in that 12 months I loose it for double the time I would have originally lost it for!

    What do you guys think?

    As most of you know I lost my licence for 18 months and this has been a larrge burden and in this time I have learn't what I have done wrong and won't do it again! BUT police sometimes catch you for very very silly things and i'm scared because i really don't want to lose it ever again!!!

    Last edited by thestu; 08-09-2010 at 09:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne
    take another 6 months.

    you drive a VR6, it's too easy to just do something silly and have the police think that it's not so appropriate! (you and I know very well)

    You don't want to get done by a speed camera for slipping 4kph over down a hill or something silly like that.

    I do think you've learnt, but it's more a case of being safe. Especially cause once you get back behind the POWAH of the VR, you might forget what you were being sensible for!

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Few blokes from school went on the 12month thing. One lasted about 3 weeks and the other 1months.

    Its just another 6 months to work on your VR and save $$$$. (And learn to pedal...)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    most people probably do something that could land them with 1 point every day they drive, without even noticing/cuasing any real danger, things that a police officer would only pick up if they wanted to be a total prick, but nonetheless loosing 1 point in 12 months would be incredibly easy to do, no matter how carefully you drive.

    That said I'd probably be desperate to drive again and do it.

    Do you lose points for defects?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    the 1 point thing is almost impossible these days. A couple kms over the limit and youre done. Take the sensible option for sure.



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    19 points is pretty epic. Learnt your lesson yet?

    I would take the one point, because I know I'd be fine.
    Sounds like you might need a bit of a stash of expendable points though!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I think you will struggle to survive the 2 months....before you lose (not loose) it again for 6 months.
    "I get my licence back on the 11th of march and for 2 months there won't be any problems"

    I would recommend you ask the authorities to start the extra 6 months 2 months early (from March 11) so you won't really cook your goose in that short period.

    That's another 12 months from now, of course. A bit early to begin planning.

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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    take the 6 months I lasted 4 months of the 12month 1 point. if I had just take the 3 months without I would of been fine.
    Quote Originally Posted by Preen59 View Post
    It doesn't matter what car you drive.. If you're a complete wanker.. People still won't want to talk to you..

  9. #9
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    The thing is guys I did drive without my licence for three months and drove so carefully it wasn't funny... The only thing I got picked up for was obviously driving without a licence... I never sped anywhere.

    I really do think I can do it.

    We all drove on learners and were cautious yes?

    I was never picked up by speed cameras or red light cameras. Without speeding the only thing I can loose points for would be not indicating (which I always indicate), seatbelt (I never drive without it), stop sign (never not stopped!!!)... I cant really think of anything else.

    so did everyone who took the 12 months with 1 point loose it for speeding? It's starting to get really hard for me without a licence and when I get it back it will be a necessity not just for fun. I think it may be pointless having another 6 months without it because when I get it back I won't be planning on doing anything wrong or speeding at all... So really it feels like I'm wasting 6 months without it.

    And I have asked if they can take it away straight away for 6 months and they can't because it's to do with Vicroads and not Vic police.


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    its risky stuff, but if you are really cuatious then you probably can make it the twelve months. Doesnt take much to have it accidentally sitting at 65/70 in the vr6 though. Keeping the noise of the vr quiet and boring may be a good idea aswell as to not attract unwanted attention.

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