There's neale wheels in sydney. Pretty cheap and do it. But they don't weld in a new strip they get wider barrels.
That's about it really.
pretty much as the title says, i wanna widen my golf stocks to about 8"
does anyone know somewhere in newcastle, or possibly sydney that is good?
There's neale wheels in sydney. Pretty cheap and do it. But they don't weld in a new strip they get wider barrels.
That's about it really.
Hmmm.. Now to find some steelies!
i was speaking with a guy from neale wheels today and he didnt know what i meant by et45 and et18 etc.
now im hell confused, because i thought wheel people would actually know what offset is?
he want to know what the back space was going to be?
has anyone dealt with these guys?
im selling these guys.
15x8 et21 et15 5x100 steelies
Wide Steelies For Sale
...4 stud
5 in the pics in the thread
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
Pretty sure he means he is after 4 stud.
Shouldn't be hard to convert the offset you want to backspace, google it. If backspace is what I'm thinking (im not completely sure, guessing its the space from the mounting face to the back?) it would just be half of the width of the wheel + the offset. Make sure to check that though, thats going off a guess haha so is probably completely wrong
Look here for a good tool to work it out Shows offset etc and is fully adjustable to what you want to do
Custom rims, wheel tire packages for your ride -
Last edited by Guest001; 30-10-2012 at 08:20 PM.
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
yeah im just going to use my 4 stud wheels,
i just read in a forum on vwvortex that et/offset is backspacing.
also i just saw a few photos where they guy is using the same rims as mine. now im thinking i might just run them as is!
looks sick imo