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Thread: Wheel paints

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    West Sydney
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    Wheel paints

    Hi all,

    Just looking into fixing up the curbage on my factory 14" wheels as a "just for fun" project, and will be repainting them. I see good reviews and opinions on Duplicolor wheel paint products, but when searching around for wheel paints, I mainly find VHT-branded products here in Australia.

    Anyone here have experience with these products? Anyone here have experience with any wheel paint products, and/or recommend any? Also, if any of yous know where I can locate these wheel paint products, a location would be great!


  2. #2
    syncro Guest
    I have used "White Night" epoxy enamel with good success.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    VHT > K&N IMHO

    i havent seen any other brands other than those two.

    VHT are pretty good i havent ever had a problem with them, just make sure you clean your rims up good before you start, 800 grit wet dry sand and wax and grease remover should do the trick.

  4. #4
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    I'd just have them powder coated - $70 for 4 wheels last time I did it

    1976 Project Carbon Mk1 - Sold! | 2015 Lotus Exige Cup | F80 M3 Family Wheels

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Skye, Victoria
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    Good price, i've found average price in Vic is around $40 a rim!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valver. View Post
    I'd just have them powder coated - $70 for 4 wheels last time I did it
    That is a really good price; BlackVr6ix, that's the kind of price I usually hear too. However, this is a strictly do at home project and I'm hoping to spend no more than $40 in products to fix up all four wheels.

    Where would I be able to find the product you were using syncro? Also, anyone else have experience with VHT? I may just go for the VHT line if I hear some more opinions.

    However, I was perusing through their site and found this:
    Warning: Clear coat is for use on polished or bare metal surfaces only, and should not be used over any painted finishes.
    I thought clear coat was supposed to go over painted finishes, and primer was meant for bare metal surfaces before the basecoat of paint. But then they go on to say:
    This unique product resists chipping, cracking and fading, while protecting the wheel surface from oxidation
    So I'm guessing a clear coat is not required?

  7. #7
    syncro Guest
    White Knight epoxy.

    Store locations;

    It's easy to use and sticks to anything.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the links syncro! Will check them out at Bunnings!


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