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Thread: Wheel alignment out after towing, or something worse?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Melbourne, VIC
    Users Country Flag

    Wheel alignment out after towing, or something worse?

    Hi All,

    So I had to have my GTI towed from the side of the freeway last week due to the fuel line disengaging whilst I was driving, and I've noticed that since I have the car back that the front driver's side tyre is now rubbing on the plastic cowl in the wheel arch when I'm at full right lock - like when reversing from a parking space.

    Is this likely just my alignment being thrown out by the car being pulled up onto the truck, or is there some other damage I should be concerned about? Other than this it's still driving fine.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Erskineville, NSW
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    Wheel alignment wouldn't move that much as the only common adjustment is toe.
    Are you sure the liner hasn't moved?

    If it isn't the liner I'd be having a close look for a bent lower control arm or possibly the subframe (which is moved to even out the cambers) has shifted.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Melbourne, VIC
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Thanks for that. I did consider that the liner might have moved too, and had a poke around last night. It seems to be pretty solid, and matches up with the passenger side, which isn't rubbing, so I think it's not this but will look again when I wash the car this weekend and cross my fingers that it's not a control arm.

    I'm due for a couple of new tyres at the moment anyway, so here's hoping I can just rectify this when I get them changed.

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