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Thread: What springs on MK4

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Kurri Kurri

    What springs on MK4

    Hey im thinking about lowering my mk4 gti but i dont really want the ride to be too rough, Ive had a few people suggest coilovers but, every car ive been in with coilover was rough as guts. And i dont really feel the need to spent $2000 on coilovers.
    Basically im asking is wheather anyone has lowerd their car with lowering springs and with what brand and what the ride was like.


  2. #2
    gpk_gti Guest
    hey GTISTYLN,

    id have to disagree with you there.If your intention is to just change the springs and leave the stock shocks,,well then the ride will be even really rough.If you change the shocks as well to a better brand ,then the ride should smoother.
    Also depends on the brand of spring and how stiff the rate is.if you are in sydney,you are welcome to come for a spin in my car...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    i have pedders soft springs $450 lowered 2.5 at the back and 1.5 inches at the front. Ride was very smooth for the first say 9mnths lately feeling rough. i kept the std shocks so i guess thats the reason. overall im happy with it. oh and handling isnt so crazy as hey are soft springs for everyday commuting.

    if ur on a tite budget id go springs, if u have the cash go coilovers.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    West Sydney
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpk_gti View Post
    id have to disagree with you there.If your intention is to just change the springs and leave the stock shocks,,well then the ride will be even really rough.If you change the shocks as well to a better brand ,then the ride should smoother.
    Also depends on the brand of spring and how stiff the rate is.if you are in sydney,you are welcome to come for a spin in my car...
    George has got it right. Just changing the springs will give a bad ride within weeks as your stock shocks aren't built to handle lowering springs. If your car has done more than 100,000km, it's definitely due for some new shocks anyway. If you're looking for a comfortable ride with lowering springs, go for Koni Special (Red) shocks. They are designed to be used with standard springs and lowering springs so are generally on the comfort side. They are dampening adjustable too and at the softest settings, they're very comfortable. Think of them as your standard shocks that let you handle Koni also makes their Sports (yellow) range but they're more harsh. However, I have heard good things about them.

    I currently have Koni Reds with Koni lowering springs in mine (40mm) and it transformed the car. A suspension upgrade would be one of the first things I would do to a car after feeling the difference.

    Oh by the way, the total package was $1060.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I have been riding on Eibach Pro springs for a while and they make the car sit nice and ride isnt too harsh unless you go flying over speed humps or hit potholes too quick. I have just purchased a H&R Cup Kit and cant wait to get it. Ill let you know how that kit is. All the research i have done has pointed to it being top notch. Everyone that has a kit loves it. Ill have my springs for sale soon too if your lookin for some 2nd hand ones.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Users Country Flag

    Have you thought of coilovers dude, alot more expensive but the finish is fantastic.
    Last edited by DubSteve; 20-08-2007 at 10:55 AM.
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...


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