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Thread: VWR Fast Road Mounts Fitted OMG!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Adelaide, SA

    VWR Fast Road Mounts Fitted OMG!

    Recently had all 3 “Fast Road” mounts fitted to my R32. This is THE most significant handling mod I have done yet. Steering response is precise, turn in is crisp and direct, understeer has completely gone, it’s like the front end is now at one with the steering wheel, reacting with precision to every touch of the wheel. There is a little vibration at some revs but nothing you would call drastic. The only comment I would make is, if you have an aggressive exhaust it will become much more aggressive. I have a Milltek with a Magnaflow hotdog style resonator and under hard acceleration the note comes thru the cabin pretty fiercely, its like I’ve got my own NASCAR, I love it! All other handling mods I have done so far (HPA KW SHS - Haldex gen2 - H&R sways) were insignificant compared to this. It makes sense that securing that huge lump of metal in the front end to the chassis is gonna change the cars ability to change direction quickly.

    All I can say is, if you’re serious about the handling of your car, this has to be done.
    Last edited by thezoneR32; 24-11-2011 at 05:57 PM.
    Volvo S60 RD T6

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Sydney, Australia
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    Nice feedback.

    I wish I had my own NASCAR.... lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Sound really good - they're on my list for sure - just need to sort some other non-automotive priorities first.

    My thing with the non res Milltek already sounds pretty wild in the car so this could get crazy!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Adelaide, SA
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    After about 500kms the mounts have settled down now, the vibration is very subtle now, th exahust sounds awesome, the gear change is notchy and precise and the handling holy crap its freakin amazing.

    This is a must do mod to fully unleash the handling potential of this car - otherwise you might aswell be driving a commodore.
    Volvo S60 RD T6

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
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    I had the APR one in my car and ended up having to take it out.
    For day to day driving it would transfer too much of the engine load to the cabin and have the whole car wobbling at the traffic lights.

    Did make a huge difference to gear changes though.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by team_v View Post
    I had the APR one in my car and ended up having to take it out.
    For day to day driving it would transfer too much of the engine load to the cabin and have the whole car wobbling at the traffic lights.

    Did make a huge difference to gear changes though.
    the VWR ones aren't that bad for vibration and they have settled down by at least 20% now, hardly notice the vibration at all.

    We are talking about one $75 mount compared to 3 worth $1300 cant compare.

    ---------- Post added at 10:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 PM ----------

    Oh and I forgot to mention the extra responsiveness. The car feels quicker now, kickdown is lightening fast, you can feel the power hitting the road instantly.
    Last edited by thezoneR32; 29-11-2011 at 08:56 PM.
    Volvo S60 RD T6

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Perth, WA. *YAWN*...
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    Yep i got full racing vibra technics mounts in my mk2 and it transforms the car's feel completely, although the mk2 shakes, rattles and vibrates like mad now.
    It grips off the line instantly and engine braking as you go back down the gears feels so much firmer and more responsive and the feedback you feel to the road is increased.
    makes sense when you think about the standard saggy rubber mounts letting the driveline slop around up front.
    It makes me think of the difference between spinning a hard boiled egg and a raw one...
    -1990 Mk2 GTI 5-door with AMK 20vt (260hp @ wheels)
    -Arrow/Rotax 125 TAG X1E Go Kart

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
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    How much for the full set of 3 vwr ones?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    I think he said above.. $1300 delivered. Quite pricey though..


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