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Thread: Uneven ride height, stock suspension

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Brisbane, QLD

    Uneven ride height, stock suspension

    Just washed the car today and noticed that the right hand side of my car sits noticeably higher than the left side of my car.

    I don't know I haven't noticed this until now, on my last set of tyres my left rear actually wore faster than the other rear tyre and thought because it was because it developed a bubble, I think I'm starting to see my left rear starting to ware faster than the left right again.

    Suspension is stock besides for the addition of a whiteline anti-lift kit.

    Didn't have any proper measuring tools on me at the time but used my fingers are a rough indication. Is this something I should get checked out with VW? or just get a wheel alignment/balance/check by a tyre and auto place?

    Right rear:

    Left rear:

    Right front:

    Left front:
    MKV GTI Pirelli

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag
    You should check it on perfectly level ground, measure between the centre of the wheel and the arch.

    Fuel load will make a difference, leaning on my S3 I can feel it drop on the right side when filling up. would be moving at least a cm, if not a bit more.

    If the suspension has been apart, you should always check alignment afterwards, just to make sure nothing has changed.


    Quote Originally Posted by bwen View Post
    Just washed the car today and noticed that the right hand side of my car sits noticeably higher than the left side of my car.

    I don't know I haven't noticed this until now, on my last set of tyres my left rear actually wore faster than the other rear tyre and thought because it was because it developed a bubble, I think I'm starting to see my left rear starting to ware faster than the left right again.

    Suspension is stock besides for the addition of a whiteline anti-lift kit.

    Didn't have any proper measuring tools on me at the time but used my fingers are a rough indication. Is this something I should get checked out with VW? or just get a wheel alignment/balance/check by a tyre and auto place?

    Right rear:

    Left rear:

    Right front:

    Left front:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Considering you said its on stock suspension, it may be slightly worn or sagging on each corner (not sure how old your car is though) Check your height with a tape measure on level ground, as any slight height difference with the ground will affect the height.

    I know with my car, if the ground isnt dead flat then it will cause all the suspension to be out of whack.

    If everything is fine, you can get it evened up by placing spacers on the face of the strut tops if it really bothers you.

    As for the tyre wear, get a new wheel alignment to factory settings, or do some research as to what alignment works best for your purposes.

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