So need to grab some new Tyres for the Caravalle... I have 2 choices.
Stick with the new versions of the Bridgestone Duravis (now R411's) which came with the van new or jump to Yokohama RY818's - Both are priced the same - the Yokohamas are in stock.. the Bridgestones would need to be ordered in.
Any thoughts on Yokohama RY818?
There are at least 2 threads already discussing the tyres in T5 FAQ... stickie T5 Tyres 17" what is available in OZ
So, I'm moving this one to the Wheels section
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
Thanks.. I tried advance searches for T5 and Tyres before posting a new thread.
Went with the Yokohamas as well.
Not intending to hijack your thread mate, however I have a question to ask everyone...I currently have a full set of Continentals conti sport 2s on my Polo 215/40r17....would it be possible for me to slap on 215/45/r17's? (more variety and choices of tyres).
My vehicle is stock ride height and I'm not intending to change that anytime soon (no coilies or springs).
Not sure what you mean here...can you elaborate on what would be overly touchy to do?
I was referring to overall tyre diameters relative to the 215/40... not tread widths because as I understand it you want the 45 series due to the more tyre options available. But if you just go up to 45 series without changing the width will get a larger rolling diameter over and above the 215/40 which you may not want.
Take Advan AD08 tyres as an example:
215/40 = Overall Diameter = 604
205/45 = Overall Diameter = 614
215/45 = Overall Diameter = 624
I think the 215/45 @ 20mm more overall is too much for the Polo and as your car is not lowered, it might look like its sitting rather high...which the Polos already are.
Well as you're aware of the Continentals have a "Wheel protection" lip on the rubber that acts as a guard for the rim from gutter rash...however with my wheels being 7.5 compared to the original boavista 7' width its literally sitting flush with the tyre wall wouldn't going to a 205 mean I'm reducing the overall width?
Best photo I could find.