An expensive Saturday morning. Driving to gym, car suddenly making a horrible sound like I'd run over something. Sure enough, a four inch rod had pierced the right rear tyre. Pulled out the rod and out came all the air. Aaargh! Changed tyre, cancelled gym and drove to local Jax. While there mentioned that at my recent 15000km service I had complained about what I thought was a noisy wheel bearing, but was actually apparently a flat spot. Not sure how I had flat spotted a tyre, but turns out the Detroits were out of alignment according to Jax guys. Okay, so that'll be two tyres then. Dunlops $400+ per corner so settle on Falkens at $230 a pop. We'll put them on the front and rotate the 12 month old Dunnies to the rear. Not happy to have different brand of tyres, but they only have 16k on them, so I chose to be sensible. As it turns out, one of the fronts had a damaged sidewall from hitting a steel kerb at a carpark in CBD and was bulging. Okay, then, that'll be FOUR new tyres, thanks very much. A mere $910 and two hours later, the GTI and I were back home. FWIW, the new tyres are ZE912 225/40ZR18 92W RF. I sure hope they last more than 16k KM, and Sure hope their performance is as good as the Dunlops.
Sorry to hear of your tyre troubles.
Funny you should say about wheel alignment being out of adjustment. I just had 7500 service done on GTD and insisted on an alignment check. I was told it would cost me, but when they found out that it was wrong, let me off.
The reason I insisted on a check was that with my Mk 5 Pacific, I was informed at
30,000km service that the alignment was out and that I needed new tyres,even though they were still 50% ok. I had never hit anything, but they denied responsibillity.
Message being that VW lets cars out of the factory that are not adjusted correctly.