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Thread: Tirerack experiences?

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel_vert View Post
    Both 225/55 R16 and 225/50 R16 tyres can be fitted on 6.0" - 8.0" wheels.
    That'll learn me to just pull stuff out my khyber
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel_vert View Post
    Both 225/55 R16 and 225/50 R16 tyres can be fitted on 6.0" - 8.0" wheels.
    According to
    Tyre Calculator - Alloy Wheels - Specialist supplier of alloy wheels and tyres packages, Fast Delivery, Buy Online.

    The recommended width of rims for 225 wide tires are up to 7.5"

    One thing I have noticed is that it seems easier to kerb rims when the tires are on the narrow side of the allowed range.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoggieHowser View Post
    According to
    Tyre Calculator - Alloy Wheels - Specialist supplier of alloy wheels and tyres packages, Fast Delivery, Buy Online.

    The recommended width of rims for 225 wide tires are up to 7.5"
    Firstly, that website is just plain incorrect (ask any tyre manufacturer).

    Secondly, it is also incorrect to state that "225 wide tyres are limited to 7.5" wheels" - you also need to specify the profile. For example, a 225/35 tyre can be fitted on 7.5" to 9.0" wheels.

  4. #64
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    What diesel vert said.

    You'd have to be a shocker of a parker to kerb 225/55x16 on 7.5" rims. Lord knows I've tried. The dam things are like ATV tyres.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  5. #65
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    the rules of what can and cant fit on what width wheel also depends on each tyre...
    really need to check with each manufacture and each model. iv put 225/40s legally on a 9 before, the next tyre may only go to a 8 or 8.5 due to its structure. tyre rack is good for looking as this as they list all the info in one place, saves ringing various places and getting told the wrong thing.
    Bora gone
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  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by dylan8 View Post
    the rules of what can and cant fit on what width wheel also depends on each tyre...
    really need to check with each manufacture and each model. iv put 225/40s legally on a 9 before, the next tyre may only go to a 8 or 8.5 due to its structure. tyre rack is good for looking as this as they list all the info in one place, saves ringing various places and getting told the wrong thing.
    Any 225/40 tyre can be fitted on 7.5" to 9.0" wheels without problem, notwithstanding any clearance issues in regards to the car.

    But whether a tyre can be physically seated on a wheel beyond the approved fitments is of course dependent of the tyre itself (which is what I think you're getting at).

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel_vert View Post
    Any 225/40 tyre can be fitted on 7.5" to 9.0" wheels without problem, notwithstanding any clearance issues in regards to the car.

    But whether a tyre can be physically seated on a wheel beyond the approved fitments is of course dependent of the tyre itself (which is what I think you're getting at).
    nar just mean some tyres (like slicks for an extreme example) tend to have a narrower range of widths they can legally be fitted too (cant go too skinny or wide).
    as in each brand/model/version is different too the next, so there isnt a rule of "a 205/55/16 will fit xx" - xx" range wheel", each tyre needs to be checked
    Bora gone
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  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by dylan8 View Post
    nar just mean some tyres (like slicks for an extreme example) tend to have a narrower range of widths they can legally be fitted too (cant go too skinny or wide).
    Well, racing tyres are a whole different ballgame so I won't go there.

    Quote Originally Posted by dylan8 View Post
    as in each brand/model/version is different too the next, so there isnt a rule of "a 205/55/16 will fit xx" - xx" range wheel", each tyre needs to be checked
    Tyre dimensions have been broadly standardised by the various tyre and rim associations in each region: ETRTO (Europe), TRA (U.S.), JATMA (Japan), TRAA (Australia) and others.

    I would expect something as fundamental as tyre dimensions and allowable wheel fitments regarding passenger car tyres to be mostly uniform.

    Whether a tyre can be physically seated on a wheel, beyond those listed in their standards manual, is down to trial and error.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel_vert View Post
    Tyre dimensions have been broadly standardised by the various tyre and rim associations in each region: ETRTO (Europe), TRA (U.S.), JATMA (Japan), TRAA (Australia) and others.

    I would expect something as fundamental as tyre dimensions and allowable wheel fitments regarding passenger car tyres to be mostly uniform.

    Whether a tyre can be physically seated on a wheel, beyond those listed in their standards manual, is down to trial and error.
    Dylan8 is right. 99% of tyres will have the same recomended rim ranges but every now & then you'll get an odd-bod that is half an inch either way.
    This is because some manufacturers cheat in how they make a tyre (usually a low demand size). eg (plucks sizes out of air): to make a low demand 245/40x17 they might use the case of a 235/40x17 case & build it in such a way that the dimensions just slip into the size range allowable for a 245/40x17. I've seen the same "size" tyre from different manufacturers vary in both width & diameter by a visually noticeable amount (up to 25mm) & that's disregarding the optical illusion you get when the shoulder blocks are rounded rather than squared off.

    It was also obvious when fitting the tyre. Some brands the bead would self seal with a quick blast through the valve; others needed a lubed-up rubber spacer inserted to take up the gap or an air blast ring

    Very rare but it did happen.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by walbjj View Post
    Yowie, why do u say that as if u doubt it. Tirerack has been used by many Australians and the overall majority have said its half price with a week shipping.
    I'm buying again, Goodyear assymetric 2 in 18", $1200 delivered, that's the cost of 2 tyres here
    Hey Deisel_vert , I dont doubt the great shelf prices.
    I was merely reflecting that I, as a digital immigrant, am going in totally blind, buying based on what I have read here trusting that Tire Rack will perform in terms of delivery and service. Thansk for the advice on rim sizes, TDI Pacific i thought runs 7's, I dont have it here at the moment. Hopefully the 225/50's are going straight on and not adding to any gutter rash risk, good point!
    I will let you know how it runs.
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