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Thread: Stretched tyres & tyre performance. Your experiences?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Eastern Melbourne
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    Stretched tyres & tyre performance. Your experiences?

    For those of us that run stretched tyres of varying severity, I'm keen to find out what your experience has been when it comes to the tyres performance - especially under high performance conditions like a mountain pass, trackday, wet weather etc ?

    I've been through around 5-6 different sets of mid range low profile performance tyres over the course of my driving life, but I've never ran stretched tyres on my previous cars expect my current one.

    I'm currently donning what many wouldn't even consider it a stretch.
    My bora 4mo is rolling on 225/40r18 Pirelli Cinturato P7s that I've mildy stretched on a 8.5" rim and I've found that my high speed & high pressure performance has been quite substantially affected.

    I have a awd vehicle known for good handling and grip, and I struggle to maintain good corning traction with the car opting to hop through corners while trying to keep it's tail at bay from going wide. I find 4wheel understeer is easier to induce while general understeer has increased and it's quite easy to light the front tyres.

    Is it my tyres or a result of the stretch? or both?

    I'm pretty torn with this because I like the look of stretched tyres but I use my car for fun rather than showing off at a meet/show n' shine.

    What are your experiences?
    Quote Originally Posted by MightyCarMods
    I'd rather lose by a mile because I built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me. Your car is your story, so don't let someone else write the book.

    -| "Laura" - 2001 Bora 4-motion (now sold) |-

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    In theory, a narrow tyre stretched on a wide rim would stiffen the sidewall, allowing for minimal lateral movement in the tyre. Pushing to the limit, they will break traction quicker than if the same tyre was fitted on a narrower rim.

    I rarely go on a spirited drive. I've never been on a track. I'm one of those guys that love to drive low with wide wheels where I have to run stretched tyres to avoid rubbing. I maintain my tyre pressures around 36+ psi to avoid any debeading problems. The times I had taken my previous car out for a run, I'm generally over-cautious with how I take corners due to the tyre stretch and the lack of a front swaybar.

    My suggestion, have another set of wheels you can use for when you know you'll be going out for a spirited drive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
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    I can't say I'd consider it stretched. I actually have the same width (225) on an 8.5 wheel, I'm pretty sure alot of 5/6 Gen Golf guys do. While the side wall isn't straight it isn't stretched either. I've never had any of the issue's you speak of, I also have modified suspension (MkV GTI).

    You might want to look a little deeper. Check the condition of your suspension bushings, make sure your shocks aren't shot either. New/better tyres could even be in order? Wheel alignment? Also is it possible you are trying to corner too fast for the car? I always know when I've gone in to something too hot because the car acts like a pig.

    Hope this helps.
    MY09 MkV BMP 3dr GTI manual

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