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Thread: a specific look???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    a specific look???

    im fair new to dubbing and the wheel aspect as a whole and understanding all the offset deal etc.

    i was looking for rims that had fairly deep dishes like alot of the bbs 3-piece rims going around, but i struggle to understand how to get the look of where the wheels poke and how to work out what offset etc i need to achieve this. an example of the look im going for is this:

    how do i get this look with the wheel poke and deep dishes etc? and can anyone point me in the right direction of where to start looking for rims and help me understand this offset stuff etc?

    thanks heaps,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Newcastle, NSW
    Best bet would be to go to somewhere like Welcome to Wheel Whores
    these guys are all about turning over big dollar, aggressive wheels.

    Google "what does wheel offset mean" etc
    Find what your original PCD, offset and width are from the standard wheels.
    Use an offset calculator to get "roundabout" how they will sit.

    It's a lot more difficult than just getting the wheels. Have a look at mickeys vr6 thread as a recent example of it taking a few goes to get it right.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Thread Starter
    ok sweet. thanks for the help man. appreciate it.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    perth, W.A

    as said, its alot harder than just getting a set of wheel with a low offset, it took me roughly 10 hours to fit the rears on my accord euro, getting the height and camber right, test drives, seeing what was rubbing, hitting what ever was rubbing with a hammer, modifying bumper mount points blah blah blah, gotta get the tyre sizes right to and find some one willing to mount waaay undersized tyres to your rims... also check out lots of info there and a real friendly bunch of people

    ps- say bye bye to a comfortable ride!


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