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Thread: refurbishing my RS 070's....picture biased

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    North Brisvages
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    Some hard work gone on here.

    Nice one fella.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by mikinoz View Post
    That is awesome, you realiase that you won't see that hard work haha. Top effort, gets me motivated to head out and tidy up mine.

    Your car is almost a twin of mine (slight colour difference and door number asides)

    mines is a 16v as well hahaha....genetically modified brothers lol.

    Yeah I know people wont see most of it but most folk wont notice most of the other details once theyre built either.I've built a few fully polished and/or chromed sets now but putting the extra mile into these because theyre mine. Thanks for all the good comments

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne
    I hope you know it, but you are insane!
    that's an incredible amount of polishing!

    please tell me you have a machine buffer! :O

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  4. #14
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    top work as usual squire!
    VW: it aint just a car, its a way of life
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  5. #15
    Join Date
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    I love your work mate!

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Jarred View Post
    I hope you know it, but you are insane!
    that's an incredible amount of polishing!

    please tell me you have a machine buffer! :O
    yes,its kind of my hobby during the week,gave up my full time job and went part time to play about with stuff like this because I realy like it

    I was hoping to start the front of these today but ended up working on a set of RF's for a customer....kinda why these have took so long lol

    thanks again for the comments

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Sydney, NSW
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    bloody work of art mate!

  8. #18

    spent 6 hours on thursday trying to get the inner barrel alone(still on the same wheel)to the same state but its very hard to do the outer whilst not touching the inner tyre part to an even state even wearing special cotton handling gloves . Got the outer portion close but wasnt happy so working it further come monday if I get a chance. Friday got declared a day off due to several happenings outwith my control

  9. #19
    After a very hectic year and finding some free time at work I decided to make a push on with these after having a play with one of the lips drummed up some momentum :p

    just gave it a once over really

    momentum drummed,time to bang on....

    ---------- Post added at 02:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:02 AM ----------

    all the remaining barrels were basically just stripped and as lines polish up but I like reflections to reflect

    so these have to go

    Orbital sanded them then ran over them with a sateen mop,its like a tight stitched mop with the face 'glued' then a compound added to that by applying it to the mop on the machine then baking it on. There are a few grades of sateen compound we use graded from 80grit through 160 then onto 240grit. I used a mop prepared with the 240 grit

    close up

    then went over it with a sisal mop which is a very harsh,solid tightly stitched mop with a very coarse cutting compound,picture off it just as I finished taking out the marks from the sateening step

    sisal step finished

    sisalling the tyre bowl area

    changed to a loosely stitched mop still on the coarse first stage polishing compound

  10. #20

    changed to a 'burst' loosely stitched mop,basically just a pretty worn mop or intentionally prepped up to soften the cut slightly,still using the first(of 5 soap stages)coarse compound soap

    managed to get two barrels finished this week(to the end of the coarse stages)and the original barrel I also redone with the burst mop to get them all to the same stage

    couple closer shots

    should finish the other barrel over mon/tues then ill be able to start polishing them with finer mops and finishing compounds

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