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Thread: MkV GTI uneven rear tyre wear

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    MkV GTI uneven rear tyre wear

    I noticed that my MkV GTI tyres have worn completely on the inside of one rear tyre (passenger). The drivers side isn't that bad but inner wear is worst than outside.

    I have a H&R Cup Comfort Kit, so just a minor drop. FWIW tyres are Michelin PS3s.

    I'm getting new tyres (Bridgestone 4 for 3 offer) but dont want the same issues with the new tyres.

    Any reason why the tyres wear on the rear inside or could anything be done about it?

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    MY07 Red GTI 3 Door

  2. #2
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    Get a full wheel alignment by a suspension specialist after you get your new tyres fitted.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Umai Naa!! View Post
    Get a full wheel alignment by a suspension specialist after you get your new tyres fitted.
    If it's really chewing them, I'd be keen to see it investigated first. Rear tyre wear sounds strange, unless they've been rotated there?

    Be grim to fit 4 new tyres and then find you need some parts to fix the alignment.


  4. #4
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    Yeah that's what I'm worried about.

    Inner rear tyre wear, I want to know if it's a common problem with lowered Golfs but it appears no.

    I'll get a wheel alignment at the tyre place and carefully monitor it once I ger new tyres.

    Anything special about a Golf front or rear alignment?

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    MY07 Red GTI 3 Door

  5. #5
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    I have slightly higher inner tyre wear on my R32 also, rotating tyres helps as others have said.
    2008 VW R32 - Milltek Catback - APR

  6. #6
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    Jul 2008
    look this up "sawtoothing mk5 gti". Things suggested include:

    * to do a 4 wheel alignment with a hunter machine
    * factory specs are off (people who have had it aligned, find that it is close to factory specs...)
    * camber (neg) and toe (out) is out but a lot of owners say the rear is not adjustable...
    * sounds like a wheel bearing is on its way out (but it's the tyres)

    Sorry, that's not much help but something to look into.

  7. #7
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    id suss bearings, bushing and arms to make sure everything is in good condition
    make sure whoever does the alignment knows what they are doing.
    so many 'professionals' dont even know how to add or remove camber from a car
    Last edited by dylan8; 29-11-2016 at 05:11 PM.
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  8. #8
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    Thanks, I'll take it to a suspension specialist and will report back.

    I'm hoping it's just an alignment issue.

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    MY07 Red GTI 3 Door

  9. #9
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    You're in Melbourne. Go to Ralf at TruTrack (assuming they are still there).

    The rear is adjustable for camber & toe via eccentric adjusters. Camber needs to be about -0.5 to -1.0 degree (from memory, original factory setting is something like -1.5 +- 0.25; this was later revised to 1.25 +-0.25). It depends how you drive but if you tend to drive sedately & lots of highway miles then it needs to be more upright. If you want to corner aggressively then you need more -ve but at the expense of tyre wear.

    Golfs have rear toe-in (about 2mm +-2mm IIRC). Your setting depends on how lively you like the rear end. I tend to go almost parallel as I like a lively rear and it rolls along the road a bit better.

    Get them to check the rear bushes, especially on the lower arms. Be prepared for the eccentric bolts to be seized in the bushes.

    Everyone says get it done on a Hunter machine. Hunter are very good if you just want to set things in the green zone but ultimately the technician is more important than the brand of machine he is using. The best aligner I know still uses a 50 year old Simplex mechanical aligner.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
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  10. #10
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    Thanks Brad.

    I went to Traction Tyres in Rowville who installed the H&R Cup kit 35,000km ago.

    There's quite a bit of -ve camber, maybe too much.

    I also wonder if driving the rear wheel over a kerb would have knocked the alignment because it's wearing that tyre slightly more than the other tyre.

    Good thing is the suspension guy thinks it's an alignment issue but didn't diagnose it up on a hoist. He was pretty clued up on what adjustments the Golfs have.

    I'll ask for less -ve camber when I get them to do the alignment after I change my tyres.

    I'm not sure if I just get Bob Jane to do the front and rear alignment for $50 at the same time as changing the tyres, or take it Traction Tyres for $90.

    I don't mind paying $90 to make sure it's done properly but just don't have the time.

    Next time I'll monitor tyre wear more carefully and rotate them more often. Fortunately the tyres have done ~60k and fronts only have about 3mm tread left, plus Bridgestones have a great sale on at the moment.

    My next debate is RE003 vs S001.

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    Last edited by Johnbu; 03-12-2016 at 10:21 AM.
    MY07 Red GTI 3 Door

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