Originally Posted by
Enquired with R5 yet?*
Without knowing anything about this particular product it's categorically Not Good to have the spring loose at full droop. Either wind the spring perch up or shorten the damper so you can't easily move the spring around by hand. To level the car you'll always need to measure the dampers, or a point on the axle carrier to a point on the body (though even that can be inconsistent side to side).
It also looks like you might have an adjustable swaybar: if so preload there can affect how the car sits when loaded (one corner higher etc.) so the shop might have unintentionally compensated for this with your spring length. Also No Bueno.
When setting damper/spring free lengths on systems like this make sure the damper has less free length than the spring has coil spaces, if your coil binds before your damper stops it that will Suck Hard, though at least with non-strut setups you won't jackhammer the top nut off your damper shaft.
Finally: check your pillow ball(s) are actually free to move, if they're stiff your damper will be getting extra friction damping and feel like it has no oil.
*Any suspension designer who says "dampener" instead of "damper" makes me suspicious unless there's considerable ESL-tolerance involved.