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Thread: kw coilovers.......why

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    sydney yulle

    kw coilovers.......why

    why are people so obsesed with kw coilovers you own golf gti`s not racecars? i thought about them i can find better things to do for 3+ grand my theory? you want better handaling, springs get good ones maybe lower the ride height ,swaybars, bushes these will make a hell of a ride. also theres other brands out there the only reason why kw`s are so expensive is marketing and the usless features for the everyday driver, dont just think by spending 3k on suspention on your golf that its going to make it a high performing suspention system.
    GT-28-VW three hundred and something days till get licence back , couldnt resist that corrolla needed to teach it a lesson

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
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    u just stepped into deep water myfriend


  3. #3
    gpk_gti Guest
    I dont think its fair to degrade someone because they have decided to KW their suspension.everyone is different and its their own decision as to what mods are right for them.As for the comment that golf gti's are not "racecars",they can be ,when they are modified correctly.
    personally ,I find it a bit stirring and just waiting for a retaliatory comment to make it into a online brawl,ill leave it to another mod to decide.

    good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Kilsyth, VIC
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    From everything I have seen, heard and read KW are a fantastic suspension setup with adjustments for lots of things. Does the average person on the street need them?? Hell no! But are we talking about the average man on the street here? I don't think so.

    Personally I am in the process of importing a set of Coilovers from German Car Performance in Germany which do no feture dampening adjustment and all for the princly sum of AU$950 landed and at my door. Considering it would cost me that to source a decent set of lowered springs and shocks in Australia I thought I would give them a bash since I like the idea of being able adjust the height if needed. (and for $950 I thought it was a good buy).

    Consider that just about any upgraded part falls into the same category anyway. For example I would love a set of Porsche Turbo Twists on my car. Including the required adaptors/spacers they will most likely end up over $2,000. Do I NEED to spend that on wheels? No. Will they perform any better than my 16" VW wheels? No. Do I want them anyway? HELL YES!

    There are lots of KW fanboi's in these here forums and for good reason. They make for a good setup, but as has been said, it's not something for everyone and their are alternatives like what I'm getting. I have no doubt KW's can and do provide a better system than I am buying, but it's not something I think I will use at this stage.
    Last edited by The_Hawk; 16-01-2008 at 05:46 PM.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
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    Hahaha I completely agree with the first and the third comment!

    It seems I'm not the only one puzzled by people spending thousands on equipment and a suspension set up that will never ever be used to its original purpose, track racing. Why have massive levels of functionality and adaptability but never use it? Its a bloody waste

    I'm almost certain its a "keeping up with the Jonses" phenomenon more than anything else when it comes to the elusive KW's. I reckon theres like... 2 people on the entire forum who actually use them for their original purpose. Or do anything but wind up or down the ride height .

  6. #6
    Well here goes.

    Why I spent 2.5k on suspension and bushes.

    It sticks like $%!t to a babys bum. I would have happily spent another $500 more considering how well they handle. Note I have done other mods to my suspension such as sway abrs and harder bushes.

    Do I utilize it to it's full potential on the roads - hell no! But the difference it makes even for everyday driving is worth every cent in my books. The Mk4 is a fat bastard of a car and previously it handled very ordinary. I love my KW's!

    Have you been for a spin in a car with coilovers yet? If not I'm more than happy to take you for a spin.

    By the way - I've got no probs with this post and if i hadn't been in a car with coilovers I would have probably said the same thing as you. It's a fair wack of coin but in my opinion, it's money well spent.
    Quote Originally Posted by Whubbsie View Post
    There is nothing better than a polo badge, thats why you will notice Veyron drivers with polo gti badges.... they know where the true sizzles at!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Yeah kw's are certaintly nice to ride in tho. Saying that i wont be spending that much on coils hopefully the 800-1300 mark depending on my mood. The thing i want is height adjustablity and smooth ride and good shocks are around the 800 for all four why not spend a lil more to get coils? Thats my theory anyhow.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    think of it this way. why would you spend 45k on a car and be unhappy with its ride when you could spend an extra 2 or 3k and have a suspension system that suits your driving habits in every way. they're not just for track racing, which is why they're adjustable in many ways. people spend so much money on useless ****, i think 3 grand on making your car perform like a ferrari is hardly money thrown away, especially since its not hurting anybody to do it.
    2x Caddy, 1x Ducato

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Yes 99, your right, but at the same time its very hard to quantify the difference. Investing 2k into a car thats worth over 20 isn't a bad thing, and even less of a bad thing on a car thats worth 25k more.

    BUT the main point here is, there's still a large number of people get them for the sake of it, w00t I can lower then car! Keep in mind chopped springs are a much cheaper and effective alternative. And not unnecessarily for any other reason but to brag. I have to agree with badgolfiebad that this forum is very very KW oriented, too much so. I'm pretty sure hawk is like the 2nd person on this to get coilovers that aren't KW's...

  10. #10

    George, Frankee, Andrew, Tim.... help!!!!

    All of the above have different brands of coilovers and that's all the names I could think up in 2 seconds.

    Do buy coilovers if you want your car to handle and sit at a nice height (that you like). This isn't limited to KW's - KW's are just easy to get here...

    Don't buy coilovers if you just want to drop it on it's ass. An afternoon with an angel grinder can accomplish this (cringes at thought).
    Quote Originally Posted by Whubbsie View Post
    There is nothing better than a polo badge, thats why you will notice Veyron drivers with polo gti badges.... they know where the true sizzles at!

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