Hmmmmmm, I think I need to see a photoshoped version. I really like the look of your car Matt.
Or - sand them back to black and throw them to a poll and we'll vote...
DIY time!!! Im currently in the process of sanding back my RS4's and have a can of silver spray paint sitting next to them. The paint under the silver on the rims is black and for some reason, the black looks pretty good. I CANT DECIDE SILVER OR BLACK!?!?!?!?!
Any suggestions?
silver imo, black wouldn't suit your car I dont think. but pics/photoshop would be good. I was also thikning of painting my stockies black, but i donno if it would suit or not..
I'd keep the silver or even polish! It just looks too stealth on a dark-coloured car, but if that's your thing, go for it!
it doesnt match the headlights in that pic. but you dont have those headlights anymore either
Silver paint is going on right now!