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Thread: If you want something done right, you do it yourself.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Melb. (SE), VIC

    If you want something done right, you should probably do it yourself.

    The VW Charlestons have wheel lug covers that are made of plastic and you need to use a small hook like tool to pull them off (see below).

    So i took my car to get an alignment after the coilover install...

    "Cars all done. Here are your keys." he said.

    As i walk out to my car i notice a 'technician' playing around with my lug nut covers. Practically all the front left wheel covers are off and he is on his hands and knees doing something. He explains to me that one of them broke in two and that some moron must have broken it previously etc etc. Well, I had each lug nut cover off on the weekend and gave them a good clean and did notice any breaks or signs of breakage.

    There is really only one way they can brake and its if you pull it from the edge without the tool. I explain this to him and then go and get the VW supplied tool from the boot... I also explain that there are two different sizes. One for the lock nut and one for the regular nuts. In hindsight, I probably should have advised them upfront of this.

    At this point I figured its only a small thing and didn't want to make it a big deal (the dealership is 2 minutes up the road) and it cant be more than $10 (they are $9.90 to be exact).

    Then he tells me he is trying to 'fix it' with superglue. At this point i assumed that he had glued it off the car and then placed it back on the car... No worries.

    No. The idiot didn't take the broken portion off the car but rather tried to glue it on the car and got glue everywhere! Didn't help that he ran his greasy hands through the glue either... He also put so much on that it ran down the wheel face...

    So much

    They tried two different mystery liquids at the shop. Didn't do anything.

    I've since tried nail polish remover and some serious rubbing. Doesn't appear to do anything.

    Its a painted rim with a machined face. Im leaving the wheel with them next week but should i be worried that they are going to scratch the **** out of the rim getting it off?
    Last edited by getjet; 09-11-2012 at 03:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Man, I would not leave your wheel with them.

    Cut your losses and get outa there!

    I do sympathize - its damned annoying when people can't be bothered to make a quick phone call to check where the tool is instead of making a mess of things.

    What kind of glue is it actually?

    If its super glue, probably worst case, I would wait until its dry and sand it off with fine grit wet and dry (2000-3000 something like that), then polish it up afterwards.

    If its some kind of epoxy resin, wait till its dry and you should be able to warm it in the sun or with a hair drier and just lift it off (it wont stick properly to the clearcoat).
    Last edited by gldgti; 09-11-2012 at 05:34 PM.
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  3. #3
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    Sweet mother of God! How retarded can these people be??

    I cannot see how they're going to get the superglue off without damaging the clear coat on the machined parts. Anything powerful enough to remove superglue, will remove the clear coat. Even if you have the wheels re-machined and painted, they can never match the factory finish.

    Let them scratch it, and then demand a new wheel.

  4. #4
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    After getting back from my holiday, i went to collect my wheel.

    Turns out that they couldn't get the stuff off either. The guy said that they have ordered a whole new wheel and should be here on Tuesday.

    There was some pretty gutter rash on the wheel (there before i took it in) so I'm pretty happy with the outcome to be honest.

  5. #5
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    Re: If you want something done right, you do it yourself.

    Lol, it's a bloody roller coaster of emotions over here, awesome to hear there's a happy ending! The fools

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  6. #6
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    Update 2:

    Tuesday came. Called late afternoon. "Should be here tomorrow and I'll give you a ring when its here."...

    No call on wednesday.

    Went in today and was told that they were sent the wrong wheel and had to send it back. Was also told that they didn't have my wheel in stock so they've sent the wheel to get machined instead (it has a machined face).

    Should be done by tomorrow.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    If they machine one they need to machine all.
    Arent they a new wheel/off a current car? If so, tell them to go up to vw, pay the 600$ or so and get you a new one
    Bora gone
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by dylan8 View Post
    If they machine one they need to machine all.
    Arent they a new wheel/off a current car? If so, tell them to go up to vw, pay the 600$ or so and get you a new one
    Is that because they will essentially shave the imperfections off and reduce the wheel thickness/weight?

    Its a Charleston of a Mk5. I don't think any current AU delivered VW comes with them?

    Having said that, they do have them on display at Moorabbin VW...
    Last edited by getjet; 29-11-2012 at 07:13 PM.

  9. #9
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    not only that (would be minor) they will visually look different.
    Any professional wheel refurbishing joint will tell you that..

    How'd you get them if they were never sold in AUS?
    Get the part number off them and any VW dealer should will be able to get a new one
    Bora gone
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  10. #10
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    Wheel will have a part number on it.

    It shouldn't take anymore than 2 weeks to rock up.
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