What, seriously no members got a spare wheel alloy wheel 5x100x17 inch 35 to 45 offset Bore 57.1 to suit Polo N9 in the garage gathering dust that they can offer a fellow forum member in need? Lol Al
Hi folks,
Sadly Queenslands notoriously bad pot holed roads have stuck again!
One of my Advanti Maze R is bent and it will cost too much to repair and take too long as well.
I am asking for help to locate a spare alloy wheel 5x100x17 inch to suit Polo N9.
If you have a random single wheel 5x100x17 inch to suit Polo N9, as long as it is in servicable and fair condition, please let me know.
I want to strip off the tyre on the Advanti Maze R and refit on the replacement wheel. I can then look around for a replacement Advanti Maze R.
Cheers Al
Last edited by Polo GTEye N9; 21-10-2013 at 10:01 PM.
What, seriously no members got a spare wheel alloy wheel 5x100x17 inch 35 to 45 offset Bore 57.1 to suit Polo N9 in the garage gathering dust that they can offer a fellow forum member in need? Lol Al
Last edited by Polo GTEye N9; 29-10-2013 at 09:41 PM.
buy a second hand set off with rubber off the forum? 16s come up cheap
or just buy another one new, put the tyre straight on it and on the car?
I wouldnt be driving extended periods with a set of 3 wheels + 1 random
Thanks Dylan, but I head off to Sydney on the 5th and was hoping to sort it out before now.
This afternoon I had Dave Gray at Wheel Revolution inspect m-y damaged Advanti AmazR wheel (Advanti told me they do not make these anymore). Said it was a low range cold roll it to repair and would do it when we had time to book it in. approx $80-$100.
I will still look to buy a second hand set with rubber off forum. Cheers Al