^ about 2 weeks or so. I ordered and paid for mine on the 1st Aug and received them on the 20th Aug from Orange Tuning.
Out of interest, those that bought springs off Orange Tuning, how long did they take to be delivered?
^ about 2 weeks or so. I ordered and paid for mine on the 1st Aug and received them on the 20th Aug from Orange Tuning.
Thanks Lucas_R.
Guess they wont be far away then... (ordered and paid on the 20th last month)
I ordered and paid last month from orange tuning. Got DHL tracking number Supposedly shipped on 22/8 and most recent update is 24/8
"The shipment will be transported to the destination country and, from there, handed over to the delivery organization. (Homepage / online shipment tracking: http://auspost.com.au/track/)"
Been stuck on this since then....shall be patient
^ as per my PM, the tracking is useless once the package leaves Germany. It will be delivered by an Aust Post contractor.
do the 35mm lowered spring make a noticeable amount of drop in height??