have in the Wheels section, you aren't the first
I didnt look very hard, but the thread I was looking for said it was around $150 for repairs
Hi all. My wonderful girlfriend took my dub to Chadstone this arvo and had a run in w/ a gutter in the underground carpark and scraped the back passenger side wheel - can this be fixed? My concern is as it's machined/ polished steel that it cannot be repaired and at $850 for a replacement, I'm hoping this isn't the case! Hmm perhaps this could be claimed on insurance??? The basic excess would be a lot cheaper... Any thoughts???
GTI 2011 | 3DR | CW | DSG | Sunroof | Bi Xenons | RVC | MDI | Detroits | Dynaudio | Tint
have in the Wheels section, you aren't the first
I didnt look very hard, but the thread I was looking for said it was around $150 for repairs
The detroits can be fixed... but need to be remachined which means that a special tool is required to give it the grammafone (sp?) finish. Alas, they don't have one of them in WA which would've meant about $350 to get it fixed over east including shipping. I reckon maybe $200ish to fix if you have a local shop.
Luckily I got the $620 rim and tyre insurance for three yrs... and the rims are $750 each... paid for itself already.
2008 Mk5 Golf .:R32/ BMP/ RCD-510/ More to come