dave, i dont think anyone's trying to get into an argument with you, but i'll be completely honest... ultimately, just by reading these threads, and having spoken to you the first night you saw my car with the coilies on, the message that you're delivering is that you've talked to "experts" who have said "uhmmm ahhhh" and that ultimately, FK's are a cheap coilover that's going to fail on you if you're unfortunate, and when they fail on you as a result of being FK's, you're going to wish you had spent big cash money $$$$$ on KW V1's.
the thing is, though, in both this and the other thread, the way in which you tell people that FK's are sh7t, is so silky smooth... you come in, say abrasive things like "you're going to wish you'd spent more for a better product" and "they're cheap to buy, but you get what you pay for", and then make out like people are arguing with you when we merely are stating that the product is GOOD, and that we've had no issues, and that we stand by our decisions.
then, round two happens - you reply with something like "hey mate i never meant to say anything controversial, this is meant to be a forum where we can voice our opinions and offer helpful advice... im just saying that i've talked to experts who have said that they're cheap sh7t... hope this helps, im not here to disagree with anyone".
we FK owners turn around again and say "prove it". then you make out like we're personally attacking you and that you've had to defend yourself or something.
if one looks at it objectively, THAT is the blueprint for these FK discussions.
"you get what you pay for"... on a car forum, that is THE perfect way of politely, passive aggressively, silky smoothly saying "they're cheap sh7t".
but......................... they ARENT. it's not like they're supersports, raceland, JOM, or spax coilies... they're FK's. they're good.
i stood there and took it like a bitch that first night at tim's place when you were telling me, with all that FK knowledge that no one else seems to have, that FK's (and koni!!!!) are inferior. that's passed, but everytime ANYONE comes on here and says:
- "they're cheap"
- "remember, you get what you pay for"
- "guys, i really dont want to ruffle any feathers, i just spoke to some experts who say FK's are sh7t and that you guys really did make the wrong decision... i hope this helps,

just like josh, im going to be telling them to cough up proof. statistics, data, research literature, ANYTHING. so far, we've got the FK boys who are all thrilled with our purchase decisions, and then we've got a very select number of
KW V1 (not v2's or v3's) owners who have demonstrated their persistent enthusiasm for telling the FK owners that FK's are sh7t, and who have precisely
ZERO evidence/ literature/ data to back it up.