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Thread: Expert input always welcome

  1. #1
    T4er Guest

    Cool Expert input always welcome

    Hi, all waterheads. (not insult) has anyone got any advice on how I can make my t4 short wb van handle better,mine seems to handle like a wet sponge. not exagerating either. Thanx.

  2. #2
    gpk_gti Guest
    haha,,not insulted at all! Why dont you get the angle grinder,cut away a fair bit,get the welder,weld a little untill it looks like a golf! haha , sorry,couldnt resist!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Try Shadowmaker on this forum. He comes from Finland ... but he's got a bl**dy quick T4. Do a search to find his threads.


    OK ... here are his threads (he's probbaly got some good suspension tips you could use - PM him for info):
    Last edited by DaveMack; 09-09-2007 at 10:17 AM.

  4. #4
    T4er Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by gpk_gti View Post
    haha,,not insulted at all! Why dont you get the angle grinder,cut away a fair bit,get the welder,weld a little untill it looks like a golf! haha , sorry,couldnt resist!
    Always good to talk to ppl with a sense of humor

  5. #5
    T4er my T5 isn't too flash either - fixing up the damping especially would be good if anyone has any tips.
    Golf 92TSI and Q7 200kw.

  6. #6
    T4er Guest


    Type3sedan, either there is alot of t4's & t5's out there that hanle like sponges; or we,re dealin with the secret service bro.


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