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Thread: Epic Fail.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Forest Lakes w.a

    Angry Epic Fail.

    hey, this may prove that i am an idiot but i've got to ask. the other day i tried a set of rims on my mk3 vr and not only did it scrub bad, it tore off the end cap from the side skirt, peeled the arch back at the bottom and gouged a deep slit into the rubber that as the car moved forward, went right around the edge of the tyre. the guy at the tyre company assured me beforehand that the rims i liked would fit, even though they started at 17", and went ahead and ordered them, so when i went to collect my car and noticed the carriers had been savagely grinded i knew something was wrong.

    this leads me to my question, how is it that people are rolling 17's and even 18" rims on their mk3's??? even if i had the guards rolled of mine, the scrubbing up in the well was so bad the tyres would have been gone in a few weeks

  2. #2
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    The rolling diameter needs to be kept the same (wheel + tyre - if you increase wheel size, you have to run lower profile tyres to match).

    And you also have to get the offset right.

    Read up on the "Wheel and Tyre Bible" (it's either linked in a sticky here or you can find it on Google) - it explains everything you need to know.

    The tyre place should be paying to fix your car, incidently.
    Nothing to see here...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    as manaz said

    take it back, speak to the manager
    if they do not offer to pay for repair and refund you your money i would advise them that you will be taking this to the police and your lawyer will contact them.

    thinks happen, dont stress about it.. get to the solution and ask around where another wheel/tyre place is who has been used by other vw'ers and go there so least you will find it a bit safe.

    always test fit wheels, never fit without testing.
    What’s behind you doesn’t matter..

  4. #4
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    yeah i had to turn around only fifty mtrs down the street and get them to change them back because the noise sounded like my car was going to internally combust. the only reason i went to this particular company is because a friend who deals with them on a daily basis thru his dealership is fronting the bill as part payment for a trade-in,,, so getting the carriers paid for and the return of the now damaged wheels was unquestioned. when he seen the damage to my car he went over to the tyre shop to rip someone a new arse. but i cant understand how one of perths best known tyreshops, with 20+ yrs experience, could pull this one off..
    anyways now moving back to a 16 inch with a profile of 35, but i think id better consult this "wheel bible" first coz one fail is enough. cheers guys

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Perth, WA
    Perth's best known tire shop? If it isn't wheels world or wilkinson suspension, I seriously wouldn't bother with them.

    Sorry to hear of your misfortune at the hands of obviously incompetant tire folks. Read up good and best of luck next time!
    1996 Golf VR6 Colour Concept Green

  6. #6
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    nah the culprits were out in midvale. in all, leading up to this final show of true professionalism, the golf had been down at their workshop a total of six times. the first two times they chose the rims themself and neither fitted because of brakes, then the third set that was supposedly correct size was knocked over in workshop, cracking one. then i started to get impatient and told them just to get something, anything that fitted.. watever size, style. id taken too much time off work and was gettin reamed for it. they did and the rims fitted but bolts were not long enough. airbag over night for correct bolts only to find that when nuts were torqued up the rims skimmed my carriers on the front. so they used a grinder just to feather skim the high points resulting in this......

    pics shortly

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    That's terrible, I'm wondering why you returned! And as for the wheels cracking after getting knocked over... I wouldn't want to be using those type of wheels again!

    As for your original question, apart from using smaller tyres, you gotta watch out for the offset and width of the new wheels too. Use the link in this thread to see where an aftermarket wheel would sit relative to stock.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    if you look at the left edge of the carrier setup in the picture you can see a flat edge. this is where they just "feather skimmed" 10-15mm of the actual carrier body from top to bottom. now thats the midas touch...

    sorry if i am goin on about this but i havent had a chance to spit it all out in one go so if it seems like im having a whinge well......wah!
    thanks for listening
    Last edited by dc10; 12-07-2009 at 05:17 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by dc10 View Post
    anyways now moving back to a 16 inch with a profile of 35, but i think id better consult this "wheel bible" first coz one fail is enough. cheers guys
    I'm guessing 35 offset - 35 profile tyres on 16" wheels being appropriate would surprise me. Definitely read the "bible".

    You shouldn't have any problem going to 17" wheels as long as the offset and centre bore are correct, and correct profile tyres are put on to keep the rolling diameter close to the same (you're only allowed a few percentage points variation by law).

    Other things to consider are the width of the wheel (my Bora had 16" wheels which were 6.5" wide with a +38 offset on it as stock, I've upgraded to 17" wheels which are 7.5" wide (the widest I can go without engineering) with the same offset. Tyres have gone from 205/55R16 to 225/45R17 to keep the rolling diameter roughly the same.
    Nothing to see here...

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    This is a terrible saga.

    I have purchased rims in the past that have needed to have spacers, and a touch with the grinder for clearance for the brake carriers but if a tyre outlet ever considered that doing that to a customers car without consultation I would be upset.

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