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Thread: DIY Wheel spray..What do I need?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Ermington, Sydney

    DIY Wheel spray..What do I need?

    Hey guys,

    I'm sure a lot of you have heard me complain about the boring colour of my wheels... Anyways I've actually got two spare wheels and I'm keen to give the DIY respray a go on at least one of them to see how I go. I figure the method goes SOMETHING like: paint thinner; sanding; more sanding; filling; sanding; wet-sanding; spraying.

    Can someone please be really nice and explain to me what I need and how I'm meant to do all the prep for a good finish? Ie what grades of sandpaper, what sort of filler, what sort of paint and how I go about doing each of the steps

    I know this is gonna be hard work, especially seeing as just one wheel is gonna take a while. Cheers in advance
    Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me

  2. #2
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    2 cans of Generic primer 450g

    2 cans of Acrylic clear 450g

    2 cans of Paint 450g

    Sand back the wheels with 240-400 sand paper, clean with methylated spirits or equivalent. Let it dry, then spray with the primer doing the back first. Do about three coats, then wait for it to dry completely give it an hour, then use the paint, approximately 3 coats. Then let that dry for at least 3 hours, then spray it with the clear for around 2 coats. Wait for it to dry overnight, hit it in the morning with a decent car polish, enjoy!

    REMEMBER less is MORE and PATIENCE is a virtue when it comes to this, don't rush it or you'll either end up with a bad job or be unhappy with it and start over as I did once

    As for filler just use generic spot putty, does a perfect job, and give that at least 12 hours before you start sanding it or working on it.

  3. #3
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    Branko, will the cans of paint last for all four wheels? And how much am I looking at for cans and a generic filler (also where?), provided I don't need too much at all?
    Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrk_Mickey View Post
    Branko, will the cans of paint last for all four wheels? And how much am I looking at for cans and a generic filler (also where?), provided I don't need too much at all?
    2 cans will be enough, get a third if you want a really thick coat, also rememeber your brakes that barely clear, don't get to carried away with the back of the rim. Spot putty shouldn't more than $6 a tube, put it on with a bread knife lol...

  5. #5
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    Well this is tonight's effort...

    The face of the spokes (and to a much lesser extent, the centre) are sanded down to the primer, and the back of the wheel is sanded lightly. I didn't do the insides of the spokes because i cbf tonight

    Now, for the paint options...What do you guys think?
    My stepdad suggested something REALLY cool, which would be a two-tone on the wheels....the face of the spokes and the centre would be a metallic silver, and then the inside of the spokes and the back can all be hidden under a metallic or plain charcoal or dark grey.

    ...Or I can just paint them all up one colour which would be MUCH easier, in either a shadowed metallic grey or a light silver metallic.
    Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    If you've gone back to metal anywhere, get Etch Primer. Normal primer doesn't stick to bare metal.

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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Preen59 View Post
    If you've gone back to metal anywhere, get Etch Primer. Normal primer doesn't stick to bare metal.
    on the money Preeny.

    I like you step dads idea, worth a shot, could come out cool. if not, just spray over it, not that difficult really!

    i like volkswagens
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarred View Post
    on the money Preeny.

    I like you step dads idea, worth a shot, could come out cool. if not, just spray over it, not that difficult really!
    Yep cheers guys I will be buying a tiny amount of etch primer. The primer that's still there should do the job too, so I shouldn't need too much.

    As for the idea..that's exactly what I thought Jarred, but it could be quite difficult to pull off. I spose I'll just have to see how it goes..... I'll let everyone post their opinions and I'll decide soon!
    Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Newcastle, NSW
    Keen to see how this pans out Mickey...Props

  10. #10
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    Cheers mate Been a bit lazy over the weekend due to gf going away and my computer being a complete crappy pants, but I've got one wheel almost ready for some spray so if I can afford it (job regularity permitting...) I'll grab some paint this week

    I'll be doing the second spare wheel at some point too!
    Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me

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