Bad wog, i reckon your tyres are rubbing on the vehicle somewhere. That damage does not happen overnight and it is really severe. If you only recently purchased the vehicle I would recommend you ensure that your wheels are not rubbing anywhere on the floorpan or suspension. If you're not capable of this there's a couple of places who could probably look at it for you (Prestige and Performance and Alba European come to mind as they both know VWs). If they are not rubbing anywhere then who knows, it will probably best to ignore it as a second hand car surprise rather than dwell on it.
PS: More often than not the lumps are only visible when a certain air pressure or temperature is reached. A picture of the tyre off the rim proves nothing other than there is damage.
It is REALLY super-dooper unlikely that the tyre shop had a tyre exactly like yours but with a lump to fool unsuspecting customers such as yourself into purchasing a new tyre. It just doesn't make sense when tyres more often than not speak for themselves - whether it be a visible problem, the way they drive on the road or the date code on the sidewall indicating they're way too old to be relied upon.