it all depends on the car guys, and the driver, and the tyres, etc etc etc.
toe in is often considered more "stable". many cars will be set up with this.
the amount that toe changes with acceleration varies with how your cars suspension geometry is set up, and how much you are accelerating, hence this should be considered pretty average practice since all you can do is guess about how much this will affect wear/tracking/handling of the car. in the big picture, your toe will change more because of suspension lift or dive than because of acceleration (in either direction).
if you take your car to mechanic jo, he will give it a little toe in. this will help offset any wear from the slight amount of negative camber suggested by the vehicle manufacturer, and will help you understeer when you are crashing rather than oversteer and hit other things/people/cars etc (because you are ignorent of these things).
when you race prep your fwd car, you will probably give it toe out. this gives you some extra cornering force, but may make the steering feel a little strange until your used to it. depending on your rear suspension setup, you might be more prone to oversteer aswell.