DOH!! I just realised you have a T5 and that is 5x120 PCD not 5x112.
What size wheel is standard on your T5 and what size tyre?
yeah mate i dont doubt the quality and the fact that not many other t5 drivers would have them, i love the look of most of those wheels but just too much for my budget right now...maybe in a few month or year. what do the 17" ronal ones look like?
also i just saw the r41 - can you get those? $?
also ronals site is great ... check this sweet interactive bit!
Last edited by Foxpuppet; 17-06-2011 at 06:50 PM.
DOH!! I just realised you have a T5 and that is 5x120 PCD not 5x112.
What size wheel is standard on your T5 and what size tyre?
2010 Golf R 5 dr , Black , DSG , Leather and 8.5x19 ET50 AZEV Type R
my tyre placard has...wait i'll go get a pic.
here we go
my current tyres 215/65/16 104T
so what are my options? would really love the R41
Last edited by Foxpuppet; 19-06-2011 at 05:56 PM.
Thanks for the photos and information.I've made an enquiry about R41's for you and should hear back tomorrow.
2010 Golf R 5 dr , Black , DSG , Leather and 8.5x19 ET50 AZEV Type R
any word yet lewis?
Yes I have. Carshine is the importer of Ronal and you're looking at around $575 each for the R41 in 8 x18.
2010 Golf R 5 dr , Black , DSG , Leather and 8.5x19 ET50 AZEV Type R
Woah any reason that price is so high? I have been searching around the last few days and can get them delivered to my door for exactly half that price from the uk $ 1148.40 aud
Does that price include tyres or something? I can understand a bit extra but not double. Thanks for your help though I might call car shine and ask them for a deal.... Or are you offering your own services?
That price I found was from in the uk which was previously mentioned in this thread if you wanted to know.
Last edited by Foxpuppet; 23-06-2011 at 08:01 AM.
By all means give Gary at Carshine a call.He's the importer over here.I import AZEV.
2010 Golf R 5 dr , Black , DSG , Leather and 8.5x19 ET50 AZEV Type R
have not called him yet but i am already thinking of just going down the uk route...then i can afford to lower it too for the price of just buying rims here.
That's OK with me.Sorry I couldn't help out.
2010 Golf R 5 dr , Black , DSG , Leather and 8.5x19 ET50 AZEV Type R