iv found if on the front of my mk4 if it clears by 1mm when wheels are straight, it will JUST touch when turning (enough to make a noise, not stop the car or do any damage to either wheel or strut), so 2mm should be sweet.
a quick question i'd like your input on. whats the minimum clearance you would run a wheel rim from a suspension strut?
i've heard some guys wheels foul their brakes just slight so they take a grinder to calliper and give it a "skim". that must mean there is then not much clearance between calliper and inner wheel.
when a wheel supplier saw how much clearance there was between my wheel and strut he looked worried and stated he'd never seen it run that close before.
whats the difference between the brake and the strut and whats the minimum clearance you'd recommend?
cheers chaps
iv found if on the front of my mk4 if it clears by 1mm when wheels are straight, it will JUST touch when turning (enough to make a noise, not stop the car or do any damage to either wheel or strut), so 2mm should be sweet.
nice one, thanks mate, the answer i was hoping for
If you have bags or long/soft springs, id imagine there might be a issue, but on coils etc, I cant see there being any issues