Nice list! Is this only for the ones that are still being made? I remember there was a 17" version in 5x100.
Part # Height Width Bolt Pattern Offset Pieces Finish List Price
LM135 17 7.5 5 x 130.00 25 2 Silver $770.00
LM076 17 7.5 5 x 114.30 38 Silver $770.00
LM161 17 7.5 5 x 114.30 48 Silver $770.00
LM162 17 8.5 5 x 114.30 55 2 Silver $840.00
LM136 17 9 5 x 130.00 17 2 Silver $820.00
LM141 18 8 5 x 130.00 50 2 Silver $880.00
LM098 18 8 5 x 120.00 35 2 Silver $880.00
LM171 18 8 5 x 114.30 50 2 Silver $880.00
LM114 18 8.5 5 x 114.30 38 2 Silver $890.00
LM145 18 8.5 5 x 100.00 25 2 Silver $890.00
LM178 18 8.5 5 x 108.00 25 Silver $890.00
LM127 18 8.5 5 x 112.00 30 2 Silver $890.00
LM099 18 8.5 5 x 130.00 56 2 Silver $890.00
LM077 18 9 5 x 114.30 42 2 Silver $910.00
LM115 18 9.5 5 x 114.30 38 2 Silver $930.00
LM172 18 9.5 5 x 114.30 55 Silver $930.00
LM142 18 9.5 5 x 130.00 55 2 Silver $930.00
LM128 18 9.5 5 x 112.00 32 2 Silver $930.00
LM100 18 10 5 x 130.00 65 2 Silver $950.00
LM126 18 10 5 x 120.00 30 Silver $950.00
LM134 18 10 5 x 120.65 54 Silver $950.00
LM177 18 10.5 5 x 108.00 39 2 Silver $960.00
LM179 18 10.5 5 x 108.00 30 Silver $960.00
LM143 18 11 5 x 130.00 56 2 Silver $990.00
LM116 19 8.5 5 x 130.00 55 2 Silver $1,160.00
LM165 19 8.5 5 x 120.00 32 2 Silver $1,160.00
LM167 19 8.5 5 x 108.00 55 Silver $1,160.00
LM121 19 8.5 5 x 120.00 17 Silver $1,160.00
LM147 19 8.5 5 x 100.00 25 2 Silver $1,160.00
LM154 19 8.5 5 x 112.00 32 2 Silver $1,160.00
LM120 19 9 5 x 114.30 20 2 Silver $1,190.00
LM180 19 9.5 5 x 108.00 30 Silver $1,210.00
LM166 19 9.5 5 x 120.00 32 2 Silver $1,210.00
LM155 19 9.5 5 x 112.00 32 2 Silver $1,210.00
LM148 19 10 5 x 120.00 25 2 Silver $1,240.00
LM117 19 10 5 x 130.00 62 2 Silver $1,300.00
LM170 19 10 5 x 130.00 45 Silver $1,240.00
LM168 19 10 5 x 108.00 52 Silver $1,300.00
LM197 19 10 5 x 114.30 22 Silver $1,240.00
LM182 19 11 5 x 120.00 25 Silver $1,290.00
LM199 19 11 5 x 130.00 50 Silver $1,290.00
LM224 19 11 5 x 130.00 63 Silver $1,290.00
LM181 19 11 5 x 108.00 28 2 Silver $1,290.00
LM191 20 8.5 5 x 112.00 36 2 Silver $1,390.00
LM192 20 9.5 5 x 112.00 36 2 Silver $1,440.00
LM193 20 10.5 5 x 112.00 36 2 Silver $1,550.00
Nice list! Is this only for the ones that are still being made? I remember there was a 17" version in 5x100.
Oh 99GTI you are a man with impeccable taste... If one wanted to put 18x8 on a 2006 GTI, which one would be the right one?
Also where are the prices from?
oneday BBS will make a version of the LM that suits the MK5. At the minute their offsets are way off
I was seriously thinking of shelling out for a set for my GTI. At the moment the only option is replicas. And well.. theyre just not the saaaame.
I believe LM127 would be what you would be after. I dont think they make a 5x112 in 8", only 8.5".
The price listed is in $US and you need 4 of the suckers.
I can't remember where I got the list from cause I have had it for a while, they may do a 18x8 now. Try contact BBS to confirm.
LM127 18 8.5 5 x 112.00 30 2 Silver $890.00
Anyone got an old list,
With the BBS Lm 17x7et35 5x100 cb 57.1 rim on it?
a few more, sorry about the random crap in the list.
LM066 7.0x17 35 5/100.0 PFS \80,325 \ 80,325 \83,475 \ 83,475 セリカ、VW GOLFⅣ Celica, VW GOLF Ⅳ 見積 Estimated
LM067 7.0x17 42 5/114.3 PFS \80,325 \ 80,325 \83,475 \ 83,475 マークⅡ Mark Ⅱ 見積 Estimated
LM068 8.0x17 45 5/114.3 PFS \84,525 \ 84,525 \87,675 \ 87,675 ソアラ(JZZ30)、マークⅡ Soarer (JZZ30), Mark Ⅱ 見積 Estimated
LM069 9.0x17 42 5/114.3 PFS \88,725 \ 88,725 \91,875 \ 91,875 ソアラ(JZZ30)(リア専用) Soarer (JZZ30) (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
LM071 8.0x17 35 5/114.3 PFS \84,525 \ 84,525 \87,675 \ 87,675 フェアレディZ(Z32) Fairlady Z (Z32) 見積 Estimated
LM072 9.0x17 35 5/114.3 PFS \88,725 \ 88,725 \91,875 \ 91,875 フェアレディZ(Z32)(リア専用) Fairlady Z (Z32) (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
LM073 9.0x17 20 5/114.3 PFS \88,725 \ 88,725 \91,875 \ 91,875 GT-R (R32,R33) GT-R (R32, R33) 見積 Estimated
LM074 8.0x17 40 5/114.3 PFS \84,525 \ 84,525 \87,675 \ 87,675 RX-7(FD3S) RX-7 (FD3S) 見積 Estimated
LM075 9.0x17 40 5/114.3 PFS \88,725 \ 88,725 \91,875 \ 91,875 RX-7(FD3S)(リア専用) RX-7 (FD3S) (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
LM076 7.5x17 38 5/114.3 PFS \82,425 \ 82,425 \85,575 \ 85,575 NSX(フロント専用) NSX (front only) 見積 Estimated
LM089 8.0x17 40 5/120.0 72.5 \84,525 \ 84,525 \87,675 \ 87,675 BMW-E36、E46 BMW-E36, E46 見積 Estimated
LM090 7.5x17 48 5/100.0 56 \82,425 \ 82,425 \85,575 \ 85,575 レガシィ Legacy 見積 Estimated
※ LM094 ※ LM094 7.5x17 45 5/114.3 PFS \82,425 \ 82,425 \85,575 \ 85,575 オデッセイ(RA6) Odyssey (RA6) 見積 Estimated
※ LM096 ※ LM096 7.0x17 53 5/114.3 PFS \80,325 \ 80,325 \83,475 \ 83,475 ステップワゴン Step WGN 見積 Estimated
LM097 7.0x17 39 4/114.3 PFS \80,325 \ 80,325 \83,475 \ 83,475 アコードワゴン(CF6) Accord Wagon (CF6) 見積 Estimated
LM133 9.0x17 52 5/120.65 70.1 ------- \91,875 \ 91,875 CORVETTE C5(フロント専用) CORVETTE C5 (front only) 見積 Estimated
LM138 8.0x17 35 5/112.0 PFS ------- \87,675 \ 87,675 AUDI A4 AUDI A4 見積 Estimated
LM152 8.0x17 30 5/114.3 PFS \84,525 \ 84,525 \87,675 \ 87,675 ランサーEVO Ⅴ、Ⅵ、Ⅶ、Ⅷ Lancer EVO Ⅴ, Ⅵ, Ⅶ, Ⅷ 見積 Estimated
LM156 7.0x17 35 5/98.0 58 \80,325 \ 80,325 \83,475 \ 83,475 Alfa156(純正ボルト使用、取付面ピンを外す) Alfa156 (genuine bolt use, remove a pin mounting surface) 見積 Estimated
LM157 7.5x17 35 5/114.3 PFS \82,425 \ 82,425 \85,575 \ 85,575 シルビア(S15) Silvia (S15) 見積 Estimated
LM158 8.5x17 43 5/114.3 PFS \86,625 \ 86,625 \89,775 \ 89,775 シルビア(S15)(リア専用) Silvia (S15) (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
LM161 7.5x17 48 5/114.3 PFS \82,425 \ 82,425 \85,575 \ 85,575 S2000 フロント用 Front-S2000 見積 Estimated
LM162 8.5x17 55 5/114.3 PFS \86,625 \ 86,625 \89,775 \ 89,775 S2000 リア用 S2000 rear - 見積 Estimated
※ LM175 ※ LM175 7.5x17 25 4/100 4 / 100 PFS \82,425 \ 82,425 \85,575 \ 85,575 bB bB 見積 Estimated
LM077 9.0x18 42 5/114.3 PFS \95,025 \ 95,025 \99,225 \ 99,225 NSX(リア専用) NSX (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
LM078 8.0x18 35 5/114.3 PFS \90,825 \ 90,825 \95,025 \ 95,025 フェアレディZ(Z32) Fairlady Z (Z32) 見積 Estimated
LM079 9.0x18 35 5/114.3 PFS \95,025 \ 95,025 \99,225 \ 99,225 フェアレディZ(Z32)(リア専用) Fairlady Z (Z32) (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
LM080 8.0x18 40 5/114.3 PFS \90,825 \ 90,825 \95,025 \ 95,025 セルシオ(F31) 、RX-7 (FD3S) Celsior (F31), RX-7 (FD3S) 見積 Estimated
LM081 9.0x18 40 5/114.3 PFS \95,025 \ 95,025 \99,225 \ 99,225 セルシオ(F31)、RX-7(FD3S)(リア専用) Celsior (F31), RX-7 (FD3S) (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
LM082 9.0x18 42 5/114.3 PFS \95,025 \ 95,025 \99,225 \ 99,225 スープラ Supra 見積 Estimated
LM083 10.0x18 50 5/114.3 PFS \99,225 \ 99,225 \103,425 \ 103,425 スープラ(リア専用) Supra (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
LM084 9.0x18 20 5/114.3 PFS \95,025 \ 95,025 \99,225 \ 99,225 GT-R (R32,R33) GT-R (R32, R33) 見積 Estimated
LM086 10.0x18 20 5/114.3 PFS \99,225 \ 99,225 \103,425 \ 103,425 GT-R (R33,R34) GT-R (R33, R34) 見積 Estimated
LM087 8.0x18 50 5/130.0 71.6 \90,825 \ 90,825 \95,025 \ 95,025 ポルシェ964,993(純正ナット使用) Porsche 964,993 (genuine nut) 見積 Estimated
LM088 9.5x18 55 5/130.0 71.6 \97,125 \ 97,125 \101,325 \ 101,325 ポルシェ964,993(リア専用)(純正ナット使用) Porsche 964993 (rear-only) (genuine nut) 見積 Estimated
※ LM095 ※ LM095 7.5x18 45 5/114.3 PFS \88,725 \ 88,725 \92,925 \ 92,925 オデッセイ(RA6)、アルテッツァ Odyssey (RA6), Altezza 見積 Estimated
LM098 8.0x18 35 5/120.0 72.5 \90,825 \ 90,825 \95,025 \ 95,025 BMW-E36、E46 BMW-E36, E46 見積 Estimated
LM099 8.5x18 56 5/130.0 71.6 \92,925 \ 92,925 \97,125 \ 97,125 ポルシェ993(純正ナット使用) Porsche 993 (genuine nut) 見積 Estimated
LM100 10.0x18 65 5/130.0 71.6 \99,225 \ 99,225 \103,425 \ 103,425 ポルシェ993 (リア専用) (純正ナット使用) Porsche 993 (rear-only) (genuine nut) 見積 Estimated
※ LM114 ※ LM114 8.5x18 38 5/114.3 PFS \92,925 \ 92,925 \97,125 \ 97,125 日本車 Japanese car 見積 Estimated
※ LM115 ※ LM115 9.5x18 38 5/114.3 PFS \97,125 \ 97,125 \101,325 \ 101,325 日本車 Japanese car 見積 Estimated
LM122 8.0x18 35 5/108.0 67 \90,825 \ 90,825 \95,025 \ 95,025 Ferrari F355 Ferrari F355 見積 Estimated
LM123 10.5x18 65 5/108.0 67 \101,325 \ 101,325 \105,525 \ 105,525 Ferrari F355(リア専用) Ferrari F355 (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
※ LM124 ※ LM124 8.5x18 30 5/120.0 PFS ------- \97,125 \ 97,125 BMW BMW 見積 Estimated
※ LM125 ※ LM125 9.5x18 34 5/120.0 PFS ------- \101,325 \ 101,325 BMW BMW 見積 Estimated
※ LM127 ※ LM127 8.5x18 30 5/112.0 PFS ------- \97,125 \ 97,125 M-BENZ M-BENZ 見積 Estimated
※ LM128 ※ LM128 9.5x18 32 5/112.0 PFS ------- \101,325 \ 101,325 M-BENZ M-BENZ 見積 Estimated
※ LM134 ※ LM134 10.0x18 54 5/120.65 70.1 ------- \103,425 \ 103,425 CORVETTE C5(リア専用) CORVETTE C5 (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
※ LM137 ※ LM137 7.5x18 49 5/100.0 56 \88,725 \ 88,725 \92,925 \ 92,925 レガシィ Legacy 見積 Estimated
LM149 8.5x18 49 5/114.3 PFS \92,925 \ 92,925 \97,125 \ 97,125 アルテッツァ(リア専用) Altezza (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
LM159 7.5x18 35 5/114.3 PFS \88,725 \ 88,725 \92,925 \ 92,925 シルビア(S15) Silvia (S15) 見積 Estimated
LM160 8.5x18 43 5/114.3 PFS \92,925 \ 92,925 \97,125 \ 97,125 シルビア(S15)(リア専用) Silvia (S15) (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
LM174 10.0x18 35 5/130.0 71.6 \99,225 \ 99,225 \103,425 \ 103,425 ポルシェ993ターボ(リア専用) Porsche 993 Turbo (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
※ LM118 ※ LM118 9.0x19 38 5/114.3 PFS \124,950 \ 124,950 \130,200 \ 130,200 日本車 Japanese car 見積 Estimated
※ LM119 ※ LM119 10.0x19 40 5/114.3 PFS \131,250 \ 131,250 \136,500 \ 136,500 日本車 Japanese car 見積 Estimated
※ LM120 ※ LM120 9.0x19 20 5/114.3 PFS \124,950 \ 124,950 \130,200 \ 130,200 日本車 Japanese car 見積 Estimated
※ LM121 ※ LM121 8.5x19 17 5/120.0 PFS \121,800 \ 121,800 \127,050 \ 127,050 BMW BMW 見積 Estimated
※ LM154 ※ LM154 8.5x19 32 5/112.0 PFS ------- \127,050 \ 127,050 M-BENZ (W220) M-BENZ (W220) 見積 Estimated
※ LM155 ※ LM155 9.5x19 32 5/112.0 PFS ------- \133,350 \ 133,350 M-BENZ (W220)(リア専用) M-BENZ (W220) (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
※ LM165 ※ LM165 8.5x19 32 5/120.0 PFS ------- \127,050 \ 127,050 BMW BMW 見積 Estimated
※ LM148 ※ LM148 10.0x19 25 5/120.0 PFS ------- \136,500 \ 136,500 BMW BMW 見積 Estimated
※ LM185 ※ LM185 8.5x20 36 5/114.3 PFS \144,900 \ 144,900 \151,200 \ 151,200 日本車 Japanese car 見積 Estimated
※ LM186 ※ LM186 10.0x20 38 5/114.3 PFS \154,350 \ 154,350 \160,650 \ 160,650 日本車 Japanese car 見積 Estimated
※ LM187 ※ LM187 8.5x20 25 5/114.3 PFS \144,900 \ 144,900 \151,200 \ 151,200 日本車 Japanese car 見積 Estimated
※ LM188 ※ LM188 9.5x20 33 5/114.3 PFS \151,200 \ 151,200 \157,500 \ 157,500 日本車 Japanese car 見積 Estimated
※ LM194 ※ LM194 9.0x18 25 5/114.3 PFS \95,025 \ 95,025 \99,225 \ 99,225 フェアレディZ(Z33) Fairlady Z (Z33) 見積 Estimated
※ LM195 ※ LM195 10.0x18 25 5/114.3 PFS \99,225 \ 99,225 \103,425 \ 103,425 フェアレディZ(Z33)(リア専用) Fairlady Z (Z33) (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
※ LM196 ※ LM196 9.0x19 18 5/114.3 PFS \124,950 \ 124,950 \130,200 \ 130,200 フェアレディZ(Z33) Fairlady Z (Z33) 見積 Estimated
※ LM197 ※ LM197 10.0x19 22 5/114.3 PFS \131,250 \ 131,250 \136,500 \ 136,500 フェアレディZ(Z33)(リア専用) Fairlady Z (Z33) (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
LM198 7.5x17 40 4/100 4 / 100 PFS \82,425 \ 82,425 \85,575 \ 85,575 ミニONE Mini ONE 見積 Estimated
※ LM178 ※ LM178 8.5x18 25 5/108.0 67 ------- \97,125 \ 97,125 Ferrari 360MODENA Ferrari 360MODENA 見積 Estimated
※ LM179 ※ LM179 10.5x18 30 5/108.0 67 ------- \105,525 \ 105,525 Ferrari 360MODENA(リア専用) Ferrari 360MODENA (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
LM220 8.5x19 43 5/114.3 PFS \121,800 \ 121,800 \127,050 \ 127,050 セルシオ Celsior 見積 Estimated
LM221 9.5x19 45 5/114.3 PFS \128,100 \ 128,100 \133,350 \ 133,350 セルシオ(リア専用) Celsior (rear-only) 見積 Estimated
theres also one with teh code LM070 which are 17x10 ET50 5/114.3
2x Caddy, 1x Ducato
I'm bumping an ancient thread to ask...
Does anyone know which rim screws are used on the BBS LM 114 and BBS LM 115?
Justmatz have a listing, but it is the wrong looking screw.
JustMatz Store - Our products
There are also these:
Felgenschrauben - Pertsch & Partner GmbH
Or these from BFI:
BBS RM Bolts - Black
I want to refurb the set on my NissanS15, and the current genuine BBS bolts are looking pretty average.
All the googling I'm doing is bringing up the same links over and over.
I'll get in touch with the vendors, but if anyone knows which ones suit the LM, please shout out!![]()
I did a quick search and found these specs for BBS LM:
They are the same as BBS RM bolts.M7 X 24mm bolt, head is 12 pt., 9mm.
I looked at the JustMatz ones and I'm sure you can also use them. They look exactly like the wheel bolts that were used to hold my BBS RSII together. As long as the thread size, length, and head seat is the same, you should be able to use them.
Last edited by rayray086; 13-08-2010 at 03:38 PM.