I have decided to fix all the scratches and marks and repaint in a diferent colour.
This is how i am going about it.
Step 1:
To get the tyres taken off the rims, went to a local tyre shop and they did it for no cost at all.
Step 2:
Give all the wheels a really good hard scrub get rid of all brake dust and tar. Also remove any wieghts on the inside of the wheels.
If you have used chemicals make sure you have washed in soapy water to remove residue.
Step 3:
You will need:
A good body filler.
200 Grit sand paper.
600 Grit sand paper.
Wire Brush.
Give the rims a good light sand all over with the 600 Grit to cut into the clear coat.
Then with the 200 grit buff the scratches to clean any rubish in them and get the surface looking good.
I then used the small wire brush to get into the sratches that the sand paper could not clean.
Mix small amounts of the filler at a time (Follow instructions on can), as i learnt that less bog on the wheel will save ALOT of sanding.
I used an old butter knife as a tool to apply the filler into the scratches and any dents.
Also learnt that too much hardner is better than not enough.
Apply the filler to the scratched areas smothing and taking off any filler thats left n parts where its not needed.
I did this a wheel at a time. Once the filler has set you can begine to sand with the 200 grit.