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Thread: Adapters???

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    North Melbourne
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    So I have been searching for a while for a set of 16 inch wheels for my VR6. I then widened the search to 17s as well, still haven't seen anything making me want to put my money down. Seen a couple of sets of wheels I like in 5x112, what I was just wondering is how hard would it be to find adapters to make this work and would anyone have a recommendation for a good tire shop in Melbourne that could sort me out with the right bits and will avoid the pitfalls of adapters like shudder etc.?

  2. #2
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    It is easy to find adaptors to suit however they are illegal and you don't want to be messing around with the only part of the car that keeps you connected to the road.

    Best bet is to keep searching for a set of 5x100's you like in the correct sizing.
    Until then just wait and rock the stockers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Bairnsdale & Ferntree Gully, Victoria
    as above, they are illegal. so i doubt youll find a tyre shop willing to fit them for you.
    however. I have run a number of sets and never had a problem, if they are made from good materials and used correctly they are fine.
    5x100 to 5x112 is pretty standard, so check, adaptec speedware and even ebay now.
    Bora gone
    Vento VR6
    7P Touareg TDI

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by team_v View Post
    It is easy to find adaptors to suit however they are illegal and you don't want to be messing around with the only part of the car that keeps you connected to the road.

    Best bet is to keep searching for a set of 5x100's you like in the correct sizing.
    Until then just wait and rock the stockers.
    no offence to anyone running adapters for looks, but i would completely agree with clay's post, 100%.

    if you dont plan to really drive your car, then sure, adapters are fine.... but i wouldnt be caught dead, pushing on in a corner at the limits of grip, with adapters - the apprehension would be distracting imo.

    stabbsy, have you checked places like and they have quite a good selection of wheels that cater to everything from oem+ to lightweight for serious driving... no, they dont have "stance''/ ''legend'' wheels that will make people spunk at car meets, but for that you've probably got to either come across some good luck in the for sale section of this forum, or otherwise clean up someone else's mess (refurbish someone else's schloppy seconds).

  5. #5
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    Thanks guys, yep this was pretty much what I figured. Was really trying to get something in Australia, but as you say tirerack prices are so good it is a pretty good option. I was originally against anything bigger than 16, but given the stiffness of the coilovers on my car I don't really think 17's will be too bad for the ride, and I have calculated that running a 205/40/17 tyre they will only be .4 inches larger, so shouldn't prove to be a massive problem.

    I realized that they were illegal, but due to the importance of the part I would have preferred to get something that was professionally fitted, and not have to run both hub adapters and nut adapters hence the shop question, I dont really trust something off ebay to bolt onto my wheels and at 100Km/h+ work flawlessly

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buller_Scott View Post
    if you dont plan to really drive your car, then sure, adapters are fine.... but i wouldnt be caught dead, pushing on in a corner at the limits of grip, with adapters - the apprehension would be distracting imo.

    no, they dont have "stance''/ ''legend'' wheels that will make people spunk at car meets
    bhaha love that second bit.

    thing is im yet to hear of any problems with decent made adapters (or any adapter for that matter of fact). if used correctly they should just be like running wider track wheels.
    Porsche supply wheels with adapters/spacers. if porsche are doing it, im pretty confident its ok.
    Bora gone
    Vento VR6
    7P Touareg TDI

  7. #7
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    The ADR rules state that Factory spacers are legal Anything else IS NOT

    Despite another thread on here more or less advocating the use of them, do you really want to wonder

    Will they be Ok, will I kill wife and kids if the studs break. Will my insurance company pay out if a crash is caused by the use of them or even if they just find the car has them..
    If any of the above is a concern you know the answer.........

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by dylan8 View Post
    bhaha love that second bit.

    i will address this when im not quite as tipsy....

    "oooooooooooooooh" (lol@ VAG stance/ upturned control arms LMFAO)
    Last edited by Buller_Scott; 27-03-2012 at 11:57 PM.

  9. #9
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    woh everybody, WOH.

    Everyones talking like adaptors are like signing your death warrant. Wrong. A well made and CORRECTLY fitted set of adaptors are more than safe enough. Ive done 10's of thousands of km's on my adaptors (and stretched tyres, OH NO watch out, what a rebel, cheating death everyday!!!), and yes Scott, even hard driven km's without a single issue.
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  10. #10
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    Lolfest, I have run 3 inch drop plates in the rear of my mk3. Drove to melbourne and back with them. And sure it's a 2.slow but I still took corners fairly hard. I'd be more then happy to run adapters. If they were so unsafe I doubt companies like adaptec speedware would even exist..

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