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Thread: A3 8L FWD Camber Adjust

  1. #1
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    A3 8L FWD Camber Adjust

    does anyone know if its possible to adjust the front camber as per the photos below;

    back all the nuts off and pull out at the bottom for increased negative camber

  2. #2
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    Probably not much adjustment, can't remember if the holes in the wishbone are slotted or not?

  3. #3
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    No worries, thanks mate, I'll have a look when I'm back. Not after stupid camber just a degree or so

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Bairnsdale & Ferntree Gully, Victoria
    Dont think the standard A3 8L arms are slotted...
    Hopefully Ray chimes in as I know he upgraded his so will be able to give you more info
    Bora gone
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  5. #5
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    There's pretty much little to no camber adjustment for the front AND rear of a FWD 8L/Mk4; for the fronts, they don't have the slotted holes in the control arms. The balljoint is attached on between an opening in the control arm and bolted on with separate bolts/nuts. The picture you posted up is of the S3/R32 setup where the balljoint sits on top of the control arm (with slotted holes) and has the pressed studs on it. You can't run S3/R32 control arms with the standard FWD balljoints, you'll need to swap both the arms and balljoints. You can keep the standard spindle though, but it's a good upgrade since it raises the roll centre.

    I'm currently running some custom control arms on H2Sport spindles. I can keep the FWD balljoints and still have camber adjustment (H2Sport spindles are similar in function to the S3/R32 ones).

    I got about -2.5 degrees of camber from that. I also installed KMAC adjustable strut tops too, which didn't require chopping and allows a fair bit of camber and caster adjustment (though they're noisy and a fair bit rougher than the standard rubbers). I haven't got it aligned yet so don't know the exact specs, but I think it's sitting around -5 degrees of camber now. For reference, the below pics are of the fronts sitting at 17x8 ET20 which I think is flush fitment on a standard Mk4/8L.

    I'm thinking of taking out the KMACs now and putting in standard or Polo strut mounts, it gets quite annoying with the noises. I love the extra clearance though, allows me to run wider wheels later on... I'll see
    Last edited by rayray086; 18-11-2012 at 11:04 PM.

  6. #6
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    cool, thanks mate, i couldn't have asked for anymore info. its funny you mention the KMAC strut tops as i was thinking about buying some. are they REALLY harsh? i don't drive my car all that much so wondering if i could live with it. could i achieve a degree or so of camber with just the strut tops without the control arms? if so any chance you would consider selling your KMAC's once removed. cheers

  7. #7
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    guile, it's not the harshness that gets me, it's the annoying groaning noises it makes. They are a fair bit harsher than the standard rubbers though.

    I'm still in two minds about selling them, I'll let you know if I do.

  8. #8
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  9. #9
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    KMAC is Australian, you can grab them from their factory I'm sure. I didn't realise and made my order through USRT in the US. They ended up getting KMAC to directly send them over to me, so they came in an Auspost satchel which confused the hell out of me at the time lol.


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