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Thread: 15 x 8 on a mk2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    byron bay area

    15 x 8 on a mk2

    Hi I have the chance to put a set of Simmons F15's 15 x 8 onto my car.

    I am a bit concerned as to how they will fit under my car which has a 40mm drop
    Also a bigger concern is would a 195 x 50 x 15 tyre fit onto such a wide wheel or would I have to get another size tyre to fit & how would that effect my speedo

    Cheers Ian

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sunshine Coast....Moved up in jan 06 from Tas
    Quote Originally Posted by aliasmk2 View Post
    Hi I have the chance to put a set of Simmons F15's 15 x 8 onto my car.

    I am a bit concerned as to how they will fit under my car which has a 40mm drop
    Also a bigger concern is would a 195 x 50 x 15 tyre fit onto such a wide wheel or would I have to get another size tyre to fit & how would that effect my speedo

    Cheers Ian
    i would prob go a lil bigger i dont think that they would even go on. maybe a 215 might be the go

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Users Country Flag
    TBH I reckon 195/45/15 are the go but VR6's use 205/50/15 I think. Don't go over a 205 whatever!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    byron bay area
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    205 x 50

    I think that the 205's would look good & sound like the logical choice, so do you think that will that effect the speedo readout & will the 205 have any scraping on turning or bounce
    195 x 45 would look a bit like rubber bands & I like to keep a good side wall profile as I have a lot of rough roads in this area
    It is just that this not a really common size wheel & I have'nt heard of anyone running these spec wheels on a golf, so I'm looking for a bit of feedback

    Cheers Ian

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Prahran, Vic
    go the 195/50, bit of stretch looks good. less chance of rubbing too.

    cant really see in this pic, but these are 195/50 on 15x8 (et18.). looks sick. (your car is red yeh?)

    195/50 on 15x8

    bit more stretch with 195/45 on 15x8

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    byron bay area
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    Pictures speak a 1000 words

    Ye Josh my car is red
    Those pics say a lot & answered a few questions, the red car has got a mean stance on it. Looks like it would handle like stick with that setup on it

    & the 195 x 45 does look a bit extreme in the low profile area for my every day driving, but really look the business on a mk1


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