There was also an article in Volkswagen Driver a couple months back.
after chasing this car for a while, I finally managed to get it- a bit more £ than Id hoped as the pics I was given dont match the current condition anymore, but its all straight and honest and need a light restoration. My 16v KR will kindly be donating a few parts to repair the GT and there are a multitude of very small light rust patches all over the place
The original steering wheel is there as well as the original fogs too. I beleive its a zender Z6 kit with a zender grill (corrected ta Ant). The car previously belonged to a chap called Mick who has known this car for years and it has previously featured in the now defunkt Revs magazine (id love a copy but they stopped publishing in '05). The car used to belong to the directors wife of Milton Keynes and has probably had the grill on right from the start. I have all the spares I need to restore it to standard as in the flyer below
Here is an article about one of its brethren from Performance Car May '86
There was also an article in Volkswagen Driver a couple months back.
- Ben
1961 Karmann Ghia Coupé - 1993 Golf Cabriolet - 2006 Golf Comfortline 1.9L TDI
2008 Jetta 2.0L FSI
ive also got that article too. Apparently the car ive bought was in an article many moons ago, but the previous owner was a bit sketchy about the date and the mag is no longer published
i think it was in Fast Car or something like that- Ill email the previous owner and try and find out. Im always interested in GTI Engineering stuff if you ever come across it too
The Jetta 2 was a classic car,and put VW firmly on the map in China,South Africa,and America.
Is still the top selling car in China,with over 200000 units sold last year...
It took me years to convince my brother that his jetta syncro was a quality buy, but he just didnt want a boot!
I remember that the mag was Revs magazine
recent pics
Here are some pics I was sent when it was a little prettier
well...... what an absolute bloody nightmare that was!!!!!
Leading up to the collection day id had this romatic vision of my 16v towing the GT on a trailer and what a sight that would be! Yeah..... thats not quite what happened. The day had turned wet and rubbish, and I wasnt able to collect the car until 2030 near Bedford way. Id been lent my girlfriend's, brother off-road racer trailor that their dad made. its a bloody good trailor built with Discovery wheels, and a good 20ft long. However, it realy wasnt suited to a lowered Jetta and so it skipped along behind me on the way down at a bit of an angle. It also needed ramps and was devoid of a winch. It was pretty dark when we got there (my girlfriend came along for a drive), and we couldnt get an answer from Micks phone. after some panicking, we got hold of him and the mission continued. The ramps id been given were plasic extendable ones used for large ride-on lawn mowers. Id extended these to their full legnth but the rear valance caught, so i had a cunning plan- I removed the pin and extended them further. Unfortunately that plan wasnt all that cunning! As Mick was reversing up the ramps, he booted it and instead of the GT majestically arriving on said trailor, all that happened was the front sections of the ramps seperating from the rear sections rather rapidly and the front of the Jetta nose-diving into the gravel. Oh f**k- quite a lot! So i had the car half on its nose and half on the trailor. Once the swearing has subsided, we jacked the car up as far as we dared on the front tow eye and then put a block of wood under the sump to keep the height. With the extra height, the trolley jack could get under the front of the car and with another block of wood, the car was jacked up as high as we dared. The trailor was lifted as high as we could with the dolly wheel- this resulted in the rear wheels of my 16v a few inches of the ground, and the general feeling of unease continued to grow! The ramps were put back together, and we started once again. The side skirts rested on the ramps, but what choice was there! it was getting darker and the drizzling rain had finally stopped for a while. We went for it and continued to reverse the GT up the ramps, but then there was a massive snap and bothe the ramps broke in the middle! Oh F**K!!!! F**K F**K F**K ! Luckily the car was far enough up the ramps to be encouraged up onto the trailor. By the time the car was strapped down and ready to leave Bedford, it was 2300 and the rain had started enthusiastically yet again. It was a long drive back at 45-50mph until we finally got back to Lincs, dropped the trailor at 0045 and I still had to drive to Derby. Needless to say there was some heated discussions about it all on the way home, but sometimes sh*t just happens. It was 0300 when i finally went to bed after a well deserved beer. Not the best adventure Ive had by far.
so long as you wipe it off and dont let me see you sex wee on my car! :blink:
Heres some camera-phone pics from the crappy collection night
and heres a pic of the 16v with its arse off the floor (looks like a Country!!)
Heres some pics just prior to unloading (2 weeks after collecting it)
I ended up backing up to a corn-dryer which had a 6" higher floor than the yard, and letting all the tyres down on the trailor, and then using some shorter metal ramps. I then gave it a rag along the farm track to celebrate!!
Here are the two together