look´s very nice, stock? or modified?
If there's been no photoshop - I would get a new camera. It puts a signature in the bottom right hand corner.
"VW GTI" QLD Prestige Plate
look´s very nice, stock? or modified?
The photographer has not used p'shop at all to touch up on the pics - yes he added his sig at the bottom left but that is all.. there is no reason for me to bend the truth..
I'm not up there with tips/tricks of the trade, all i know was he used this lightbox that he 'painted' the car with then took the shot. Camera cost him north of 10k+ - minus the lenses etc
Car is pretty much bone stock (tint/stubby/flapper mod/BMC filter)
Now she rocks roof racks :p
Last edited by Nathan_B; 30-06-2009 at 04:28 PM.
Very nice photos..
You could have washed it first (just kidding).
Looks like there have been some enhancements, at least HDR I reckon.
light painting and long exposure times give this sort of saturation.
This guy is a good photographer. I can believe that no 'shop was used. It's all about the lighting, time of day and exposure times.
Cars are very hard to photograph well, and these are good.
I bet these were taken just after the sun went down (or very shortly before) and the exposure time are several seconds
Last edited by Stan; 21-07-2009 at 08:00 PM.
My build thread here: 1.6 sr into 1.8T http://www.vwwatercooled.org.au/foru...-8t-63249.html
great photos, but i think they are HDR, its a mix of over/under and true exposure (3 shots) "folded" over the top of eachother
thats the only way to get this effect
this one is a litttle tooo extreme
Last edited by WABIT; 21-07-2009 at 08:06 PM.
I too find it very hard to believe they weren't in some way post processed. I can see that these were light painted and shot at the perfect time, but contrast, saturation etc look like they've been tweaked. Granted, most of the work is done in camera, which I respect as it's how I like to shoot, but every photo needs a final tweak.
And I don't know a single decent photog who doesn't post process in some way.
Beautiful photographs.
Oh and they're not HDR. HDR is a crime.
"One art please!" --->http://benno.redbubble.com
Yes they have been through photoshop to a small degree, but the effect you see is all done when he takes the photo. He uses either a small flash or a continuous light of some sort (cant remember what he told me now) in a soft box and walks around the car lighting the areas he wants lit.
They are not HDR either, use of a big, soft light the right way gives you that sort of look. There are threads on other forums arguing whether it is photoshop or not and it is definitely not down to any hi jinks using it to get that look.
He did a shoot up here in Brisbane a few months back and I think there was someones red GTi shot then as well, will have to check with him.
Very true. And on that note, thank goodness for lightroom. No idea how I survived before I started using it haha!