Originally Posted by Lito Think you quoted the wrong post lol. Both the mk2 and polo look awesome though!! right quote drucejnr is talking about a photo thestu took on the way back from halfway hangs on sunday. that boy takes some mad rollers...
@mrdeathlad #rollinonskittles Shorty exhaust, black tails, Kw V1 Ronal, Oz, Hoshino Racing
Originally Posted by MrDeathLad right quote drucejnr is talking about a photo thestu took on the way back from halfway hangs on sunday. that boy takes some mad rollers... Ahh I see, sorry bout that. and yes thestu does take some nice pictures!
<<Mk7 Golf R | IE stage 2 e30 >>
No mods, just lots of love...
My current setup. Oem Audi Rotors 19x8.5 +43 Oem+
Last edited by 5317707; 19-02-2014 at 10:47 PM.
GOLF | GIAC | CTS K04 | 215.9kws atw
Bora gone Vento VR6 MKIV GSW TDI 7P Touareg TDI
Your Bora looks rediculous and I love it.
Cheap, Fast, Reliable. Choose two.
Eugene and Walter.
Last edited by Jarred; 24-02-2014 at 07:43 AM.
i like volkswagens My blog: http://garagefiftythree.blogspot.com.au/
Photo with the new camera Jarred?
loven the rear wiper delete on Walter, also great paint colour.
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