Moar rods arrived today,these ones actually fit
I also received this
I originally ordered it because my car had been over boosting then misfiring lately. Turned out the pressure source to the n75 was kinkednew line and boost is as smooth and stable as ever
. I'll keep this for the gt2871r install just in case it spikes but I doubt I'll need it. It'll up for sale cheap if I dont need it
And just incase anybody is wondering the difference between the rod sizes. The 20mm are on the right
Last edited by Lito; 20-02-2013 at 09:50 PM.
Decided to sticker bomb the front badge today
Loving every bit !!
Looks sick too
Just wondering with the rods you got, do they tell you what torque, to torque the rod bolts down to ?
Thanks mate. Yeah the rods come with a little booklet. It says that the preffered method of tightening the rods is with a stretch gauge and they need to be tightened to 0.006" of stretch. It also states that if you dont have access to a stretch gauge to use a high quality torque wrench and tighten to 50ft/lbs 3 times per bolt using there supplied lubricant