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Thread: DEF-DUB MkII GTi

  1. #21
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    Hey Arran,

    We made it back safe!
    Was a great drive, WA and western SA roads are the shizz! Just awesome...

    We couldn't get out of the car, like Nicks sig, we pulled 4k in under 50 hours...

    Since getting back we have done some cleaning up, we have given the car another service oil and filter, swapped out some radiator fluids (which it had coolant BTW ) ...
    Arrr... fixed a problem that arose with the passenger side headlight, started flickering about 200kms out of Canberra, turned out the horn was loose underneath the bay near the light, was shorting something, not sure exactly what, but all is sweet now.
    We tightened up some of the interior trim, we are in the process of refitting the rear boot lid trim which we are planning on rebuilding the section and covering in real cow, lol.
    Which should be better than the 3 layers of vinyl that was on the one on there *rolls eyes*...
    The gate seems to need a bit of work also, we are going to pull the center console, remould it, and refinish it in leather. Same may come down the track with the other sides under the dash.
    We re plumbed the entire wiper jets (removed paint from the nozzles... :S) all the way to the tank with new silicone tube and leveled the nozzles which actually work now, not too bad at all.

    The completely dried and ruined drivers side drip rail/door weather seal has been difficult to find a replacement, I have asked on here and located one in the UK for $15, but with $100 shipping and that's a used one (in good nick though).
    A US supplier makes them new, but want $250 for one, and I don't know about shipping on it, going to try calling VW and see what they can do *fingers crossed*.

    The driver side rear door handle snapped (literally) off, which is a shame (need to oil them Arran!) so I have ordered in a new pair for both back doors, which we will tackle the central locking mech at the same time. After oiling all the doors up nicely they shut and open like new.
    We will probably end up chaning all the door handles and locks (and mechs) in the end.

    The single wiper is nearing the end of it's life me thinks, so I have been looking into a Porsche dual kit, that may end up being fitted. There has been debate to keep the single for it's oldskool'ive'ness but you really don't notice and some nice new strong dual Porsche wipers will work awesome and look shmick.

    Been trying to source some new seat rails/tracks for the MkIII seats, which has been hard, after further inspection, they both appear to need to be changed, so if anyone has input on where to get some MkIII rails or wants to donate please let me know.

    Don't know if I already asked but yeah, what happened with the pedals??? You got the original ones Alex had on, they look nice...

    Mechanically the car runs a treat, think we are looking at going the twin rad fan down the track for next summer.

    Anyway, sounds like I am doing everything, but Nick gets in and we both have been working on the car, I am just more of the fanboi and the gearhead lol.

    Last edited by STOIE; 29-03-2010 at 03:59 PM.
    77' MkI Golf GLS - VR6-T Project Compression
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  2. #22
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    And as a side note...

    The G60 intake manifold came in this afternoon, so next on the list is a redline/webber...
    I picked the G60 up for a steal online and this makes us one step nearer to being turboed.

    And side note number two... WHERE IS MY MKII GTI ??? ... *cries* - I am dying to get my own now, but I really want a beater to start fresh with...
    Last edited by STOIE; 29-03-2010 at 04:00 PM.
    77' MkI Golf GLS - VR6-T Project Compression
    79' MkI Golf GLS - 2L ABF ITB's Wolf3D
    09' MkV Golf R32 - sold

  3. #23
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    Get rid of your R32 and you'll have enough money to build a pretty good MK2.

    You know you want to.

  4. #24
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    Enough money!

    I would want to have the best damn MkII in exsistance lol

    Would be sweet, but I couldn't justify a MkII as a long term primary car...
    77' MkI Golf GLS - VR6-T Project Compression
    79' MkI Golf GLS - 2L ABF ITB's Wolf3D
    09' MkV Golf R32 - sold

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by STOIE View Post
    ..Would be sweet, but I couldn't justify a MkII as a long term primary car...
    why not?

    Providing you put the time and effort into it, it'll be just reliable and way more fun than a new car! Although it'll have much worse resale!

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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarred View Post
    why not?

    Providing you put the time and effort into it, it'll be just reliable and way more fun than a new car! Although it'll have much worse resale!
    Haha, I understand it will be fine as all everyday car, thats what I would want it for, but knowing me it would be in pieces every second day of the week!
    77' MkI Golf GLS - VR6-T Project Compression
    79' MkI Golf GLS - 2L ABF ITB's Wolf3D
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  7. #27
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    A few updates:

    Pulled the rear door cards (both) on Tuesday afternoon. (turn out the winder on this car doesn't have a screw under the collar, it has a cap on the front (which was hidden by Alex's paint), after removing the cap, you then access a screw that holds it to the winder stalk.
    Replaced the broken drivers side handle with a new one I ordered in and tuned up the mech a bit.
    Oiling everything up nicely.

    We then replaced the plastic weather proofing on the doors/cards.
    And fixed a little bit of the door trimming that had come loose.

    On the opposite door (passenger), we then did mostly the same, however, didn't replace the handle, just the broken seal.
    I note the drivers side handle was original whereas the passenger side is a replacement already.

    We also pulled the central locking servo from the passenger door and tested it out a bit seems that the servo is for sure dead.
    After checking the serials I located the manufacturer and am now in the process of having them send me out a new one.

    Apart from this only other thing we looked at was the center arm rest that was dodgy as hell, it has now gone... the mounting bracket still needs to be removed though.

    One last thing I am still having issues with is the MkIII seat rails/tracks, can't get a hold of any.
    If anyone can help me out with this would be very very appreciated.

    77' MkI Golf GLS - VR6-T Project Compression
    79' MkI Golf GLS - 2L ABF ITB's Wolf3D
    09' MkV Golf R32 - sold

  8. #28
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    Golf loon should be able to help you out with some mk 3 seats/rails.

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  9. #29
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    great updates mate!

    Please chuck some photos up

    Also I'd really like to see this thing at Nationals this year! Is it going to make the trip?

    edit: 5500 posts WOOT
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  10. #30
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    Yeah will have to get some nice shots of it, to be honest every time I am near the car I am working on it, so photos just don't come up...

    And Nationals should be good, see what happens I guess...

    Nice work on the 5500 posts! - Only 111 for me
    77' MkI Golf GLS - VR6-T Project Compression
    79' MkI Golf GLS - 2L ABF ITB's Wolf3D
    09' MkV Golf R32 - sold

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