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Thread: TPI No: 2018861/3 for 125KW TDI (103KW?)

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Townsville QLD

    TPI No: 2018861/3 for 125KW TDI (103KW?)

    At recent 30K service the dealer “Found TPI No 2018861/3 that need to update engine control unit and gearbox control unit, carried out update on both control units (SIC)” in response to my report of occasional harsh DSG engagement at takeoff.

    The DSG improvement is another story but it is the change to the engine that is of interest. Whereas power/torque used to come on tap a bit abruptly (woohoo factor), power/torque now comes on a lot smoother over a slightly longer timeframe (also smoothing out the DSG initial engagement).

    The big change is on fuel consumption. The science is not yet exact as I have not plotted it over a long enough period but:
    • MFD consumption used to consistently drop below 6.0 (L/100Km) at the 10 Km point (local school) on my daily drive to work, but that now occurs at about the 7 Km mark.
    • Before the update the 400Km drive to visit grandkids (Townsville to Yungaburra) consistently returned a MFD consumption best of 5.6 at the end of the 280 Km coastal run to Innisfail deteriorating to a best of 6.2 at journey end, as I always give it some up the Palmerston (twisty with steep climb and descent sections for an overall climb of about 3000ft to the Atherton tablelands).
    • Since the update, same journey with same driving style gave a MFD consumption of 5.0 for the last 50 Km of the coastal run with 5.4 at journey end.
    • Return leg gave 5.3 at journey end (mainly downhill at the start)(previous best 6.1) and fuel guage hit ˝ at 640 Km, promising the previously elusive 1200 Km per tank.

    While other aspects of the service may have had some influence on the consumption improvement I recon that the ECU update has delivered a 10% or better improvement in the already impressive fuel consumption.

    While my experience is with a Passat, the update may also be applicable to Jetta / Golf with 125KW TDI and there may be a similar update for the 103 KW TDI if this one does not apply.

    Worth talking to your service agent about if you don’t already have it.
    Granite Passat sedan TDI (125kw), DSG, beige leather
    Candy White Polo 6R, 66TDI, DSG, no options

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Good news.

    My dealer said that if there is a TPI they will send you a letter and let you know, even if you don't service with them.

    Is the update for DSG cars only?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by benough View Post
    My dealer said that if there is a TPI they will send you a letter and let you know, even if you don't service with them.

    Is the update for DSG cars only?
    There was no prior letter or notice from VWA. AFAIK there are updates for each of the ECU and DSG gearbox CUs, so just get the ECU update if you are non DSG.
    Granite Passat sedan TDI (125kw), DSG, beige leather
    Candy White Polo 6R, 66TDI, DSG, no options

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Well it sounds like now the engine has less of a punch? I'm not sure I want that!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Are they trying to ease the pressure on the trannies?
    Less blown boxes?


  6. #6
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    Most likely.
    Once we had a Jeep Cherokee 2.8CRD auto and I enjoyed driving it until they done a recall on it. Involving replacing torque converter and reprogramming engine and transmission control module. After that engine lost all the power at low speeds and the hills were I could cruise up 90-100km/h not even touching the accelerator I couldn't do more than 90km/h with accelerator to the metal. We ended up trading it on Touareg.

    I believe that is not the case with VW and the car will drive better.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by benough View Post
    Well it sounds like now the engine has less of a punch? I'm not sure I want that!
    We will never know for sure unless the engine is dyno’d before and after!!

    You are reading more into my comments than what I said. Power now comes on more smoothly, there are no indications that the power achieved is more or less than before, just that the engine appears to rev more linearly and run more efficiently (less unburnt fuel out of the exhaust??). If anything I feel that I can now be a little gentler on the accelerator than before to achieve the same performance.

    While some may not want the less abrupt application of power when the turbo kicks in, there will also be others who might appreciate the smoother power and improved economy. I may be showing my age, but I prefer the way it drives now and the Passat still out performs everything else I considered buying instead at the time. I am sure some Golf drivers will make similar comparisons between the same engines in a MK5 Vs a MK6; some will prefer one over the other. That doesn’t make one version “better” than the other; just that one would hope that the latest incarnation is in some way an improvement.

    By the way, I refueled tonight after an additional 60 Km of suburban driving with an overall calculated tank consumption figure of 5.84 L/100Km Vs 5.4 from the always optimistic MFD. This is better than the best previous result for the same trip (6.43 calculated) that I have ever achieved and I have recorded every Km and drop of fuel added since purchase on 2 separate spreadsheets.
    Granite Passat sedan TDI (125kw), DSG, beige leather
    Candy White Polo 6R, 66TDI, DSG, no options

  8. #8
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    Well it was a question.

    I guess VW be be making an improvement rather than making it slower so maybe I'll give my dealer a call today

    Thanks for the info.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by vanDub View Post
    power/torque now comes on a lot smoother over a slightly longer timeframe
    To clarify my earlier comment, before the upgrade the lag before power/torque kicked in was noticeable. We are only talking fractions of a second but since the upgrade it feels like the lag period is noticeably shorter and that the power/torque rise starts earlier but still gets to the same level at the same time as before. Hence my comment about a "slightly longer timeframe".

    If my post of my experience helps only one person (benough?) then the reason for this forum is justified. I find far too many posts to be arguementative, negative and unhelpful and therefore not in the spirit of why this forum was created.
    Granite Passat sedan TDI (125kw), DSG, beige leather
    Candy White Polo 6R, 66TDI, DSG, no options

  10. #10
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    Actually 2 people, you helped me as well mate. I will definitely ask VW Solitaire Automotive, if there is any important upgrade for any of our rides.
    Even if the upgrade is to protect DSG and make it last longer it is well worth it. Can you tell me what year is your Passat end what is the engine code, please?

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