60K is the correct interval for the filter. I'd probably run some DPF-friendly treatment through the tank prior to changing the next one.
Carried out the service over the weekend, prefilling the filter worked a charm, a few extra revolutions on the starter and no other issues. overall not a bad car to service, nothing too out of the ordinary. at 60,000km the fuel filter was putrid. i will be changing it at 30,000 or less, not comfortable with leaving an important item like that for the recommended 90,000!
60K is the correct interval for the filter. I'd probably run some DPF-friendly treatment through the tank prior to changing the next one.
'07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
'01 Beetle 2.0
Yes the obdelleven does run the fuel pump and will also invert the stop/start button. (Press the stop/start button to enable the function not press to disable as standard)
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