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Hi all,
Well folks I finally had the time to have another go at getting the Golf going. Towed it up the drive, then down the street to a small hill. Wife & eldest son pushing, wait till the speed got to 40km/h, 2nd gear, glow plugs on, then let out the clutch and ..... booom!!!! Away she went almost instantly! Huge cloud of smoke, but it settled down after 1km or so. Drove around a little bit, enjoying the mobility, then back home. Washed the car, it started normally, went to the nearby service station and filled it up. Started normally, then back home, stopped on the driveway and swept out the garage, then tried to start again. No go. Motor spins over fast enough but just won't quite fire. Enough for today, will try again later...
Maybe I need to move house to the top of a big long hill!!!