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Thread: Reconditioning diesel engines

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Yeah I`ve pushed untold golfs up and down roads, only to have them start immediately with a tow start. Get a friend and some rope and you`re set!
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
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  2. #22
    imported_brackie Guest


    Towing and using high revs by (perhaps) dropping her into 2nd, should get her going. The extra revs generate a bit of heat which always helps and builds up fuel pressure. This should purge any air left in the pump and lines. Can't remember any diesel that I've done major work on that I haven't tow started.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
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    Hi all,

    Well folks I finally had the time to have another go at getting the Golf going. Towed it up the drive, then down the street to a small hill. Wife & eldest son pushing, wait till the speed got to 40km/h, 2nd gear, glow plugs on, then let out the clutch and ..... booom!!!! Away she went almost instantly! Huge cloud of smoke, but it settled down after 1km or so. Drove around a little bit, enjoying the mobility, then back home. Washed the car, it started normally, went to the nearby service station and filled it up. Started normally, then back home, stopped on the driveway and swept out the garage, then tried to start again. No go. Motor spins over fast enough but just won't quite fire. Enough for today, will try again later...

    Maybe I need to move house to the top of a big long hill!!!

  4. #24
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    Following on from the last post - Curiousity got the better of me, so I had to try it again - this time it started after turning over a few times! Let's see if it starts in the morning...

    Has anyone tried a fuel additive/cleaner? I've used wynns diesel injector cleaner on occasions. Any brand better than another? Thanks!

  5. #25
    syncro Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by peter_j_g
    Hi all,

    Well folks I finally had the time to have another go at getting the Golf going. Towed it up the drive, then down the street to a small hill. Wife & eldest son pushing, wait till the speed got to 40km/h, 2nd gear, glow plugs on, then let out the clutch and ..... booom!!!! Away she went almost instantly! Huge cloud of smoke, but it settled down after 1km or so. Drove around a little bit, enjoying the mobility, then back home. Washed the car, it started normally, went to the nearby service station and filled it up. Started normally, then back home, stopped on the driveway and swept out the garage, then tried to start again. No go. Motor spins over fast enough but just won't quite fire. Enough for today, will try again later...

    Maybe I need to move house to the top of a big long hill!!!
    Have you uprated your starter cable and earth yet?

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Thread Starter
    Hi "syncro",

    Interesting comment, I've noticed that both the starter and earth cables get very warm when cranking the engine. Does uprating the cables make a big difference? What size cable should I go for?


  7. #27
    imported_brackie Guest


    Earth cables were always a weak point. Go to Supercheap and buy a suitable length cable. Bolt it to the neg terminal and then to any of the bolts on the passenger side engine mount. You will be amazed at the difference! (However, I have a feeling that your glow plug relay could be playing up. It often results in an intermittent fault like the one that you are experiencing.)

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Peter you asked about fuel additive try FUEL DOCTOR it's green liquid in a clear bottle know the guy personly he's local to bris used it in the truck i was driving blew lots of smoke until started using fuel doctor got more klm's and generaly ran with a little more power. 1 bottle will last for a while as it recommends to give it a shock dose then about 25ml per tank.
    Check out their web site think it is read up on it he showed me 6 or 7 different brands that sit alongside it on the shelf at supercheap and proved to me that it was the better of them takes to long to explain it to you guys but check the site out don't know how much info is there. But what the hell go and get a bottle and try it to the doctors recommendations and you should notice a diff.
    Anyhow just a thought
    cheers Dave

    :twisted: MK1 THE BEST :twisted:

    76 MK1 16V
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  9. #29
    syncro Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by peter_j_g
    Interesting comment, I've noticed that both the starter and earth cables get very warm when cranking the engine. Does uprating the cables make a big difference? What size cable should I go for?
    When you try to start with the starter, you are drawing a very high current. The higher current the higher the voltage drop, the less heat in the glow plugs and speed of the starter. The starter cable and the earth straps are far too small on a Golf Diesel and most of the old GLDs that I have seen were modified years ago.

    You can run multiple earth cables to the engine and starter mounting bolts and just get a thicker cable for the battery to starter cable.

  10. #30
    imported_brackie Guest

    Quote Originally Posted by syncro
    Quote Originally Posted by peter_j_g
    Interesting comment, I've noticed that both the starter and earth cables get very warm when cranking the engine. Does uprating the cables make a big difference? What size cable should I go for?
    You can run multiple earth cables to the engine and starter mounting bolts and just get a thicker cable for the battery to starter cable.
    Yeah...Starter bolts are a better option, You can't get much closer than that!

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