you will not be able to mount the Provent as in pic 3 from that bracket.
the bracket is light weight and will be bend, or be ripped off the fire wall... I also considered this position and it just will not work.
You also have the ABS unit below and you cannot have the provent touching the brake lines as it could damage them through vibrational wear/rubbing.
There is really only 2 places to mount the provent in a stock engine bay:
In front of the engine between the radiator, Oil FIlter and air intake
where I mounted mine.
The only other option for an Easy install is to get yourself a new Air Intake - Like an APR Carbonio or ModShack, VWR, BMC type... Then you will have stacks of room
Seriouly wait till you have the provent in your hands. then start sticking into places and see if it will fit and if you can route the hoses.
\( O ) o\====(\X/)=TDI=/o ( O )/ 2011 Jetta Mk5 125TDI - Squidly
((o)(O))====(\X/)=TDI=((O)(o)) 1996 Golf Mk3 TDI - Squid