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Thread: Petrol in diesel tank = $$$$s

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    central coast. Lake Macquarie. (Not Port Macquarie.)

    Had a bloke at work fill the diesel tank with adblue.
    adblue tank 65 litres, diesel tank 400 litres.
    adblue stickers are now riveted on so the bus wash brushes don't rip them off.

  2. #12
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    We had someone at a servo fill our mark v TDI weth unleaded I drove off it started to run rough then cut out had it towed back to dealership the cost was $240.00 to fix it. The tow truck driver said it would cost thousands to fix that was 80,000km ago still running great

  3. #13
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    Guys and Gals,

    Just get a diesel mis-fuelling device that replaces the fuel cap and prevents a ULP nozzle from entering the tank.

    They can be obtained from the RACQ and RAA SA. They cost around $60 for members ($70 for nom-members) plus P&H. Cheap insurance even at the non-members price.

    Oh yes. I contacted RACQ and they said that members of other motoring groups around the country with whom they have reciprocal member arrangements can purchase the item and get the same benefit as RACQ members.

    Just go through the sheet which identifies which type to get.

    I take delivery of my new Caddy Maxi Life on Tuesday. If there is no mis-fuelling device already fitted, I will be ordering one from RACQ.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by bisy View Post
    We had someone at a servo fill our mark v TDI weth unleaded I drove off it started to run rough then cut out had it towed back to dealership the cost was $240.00 to fix it. The tow truck driver said it would cost thousands to fix that was 80,000km ago still running great
    This is why you need one of these mis-fuelling devices. You might be diligent, but you are not always the one who fills the tank.

  5. #15
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    No risk of anyone else filling your vehicle, except another driver, if you live in Qld. Don't think I have ever had a servo staff member offer to fill anything for me in 10 years!!

    Although true, it is still up to the driver to keep an eye on what is going into his tank.

  6. #16
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    I think this is an excellent suggestion - I ended up removing the two 'caps' to my diesel Xtrail 'saddle tanks and siphoning the mix out - it also gave me an opportunity to blow the lines out with compressed air, replace the filter and restart.

    I think the Q7 owner got 'ripped off'. I did end up having to rebuild the HPFP but I did drive over 100ks on a 50/50 mix = cost under $1k at a Bosch specialist. Have done nearly 10,000ks since will no other issues.
    2001 Bora 4Motion from new, upgraded Haldex controller, Bilsteins, Milltek

    2014 Golf 90TSi, Comfortline, manual

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by popeclement View Post
    I think this is an excellent suggestion - I ended up removing the two 'caps' to my diesel Xtrail 'saddle tanks and siphoning the mix out - it also gave me an opportunity to blow the lines out with compressed air, replace the filter and restart.

    I think the Q7 owner got 'ripped off'. I did end up having to rebuild the HPFP but I did drive over 100ks on a 50/50 mix = cost under $1k at a Bosch specialist. Have done nearly 10,000ks since will no other issues.
    $18k for a new V8 engine + ancillaries + labour from Audi isn't that surprising - assuming the whole engine + ancillaries did indeed need replacing and the dealer wasn't taking them for the financial ride of his life...

  8. #18
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    its the HPFP that suffers the most, once fuel goes in it destroys it which in turn sends all metal filings throughout the fuel system. So everything gets replaced if its been ran and the pump has been destroyed.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by buzuki View Post
    its the HPFP that suffers the most, once fuel goes in it destroys it which in turn sends all metal filings throughout the fuel system. So everything gets replaced if its been ran and the pump has been destroyed.
    I'm not sure about your comment about the metal filings throughout the fuel system. Basically the HPFP seals are damaged to the point that it cannot sustain the enormously high delivery pressure to the common rail/injectors. When I removed my rail, I did not notice any metal or other contamination & did not do any remedial work to this area.

    I have had two other friends with quotes of 12k (Transporter) & 15k (Mercedes Vito) for the fuel delivery system and injectors which in itself is not excessive given that the repair agents are being conservative and replacing the lot.

    I just think the HPFP should be repaired/exchanged first for around the 2-3k mark with labour and then the system re-evaluated. Both my friends use their vehicles for commercial daily high mileage use and elected not to incur the quoted expense and simply clean/flush and exchange the HPFP & like me, have had no issues since.
    2001 Bora 4Motion from new, upgraded Haldex controller, Bilsteins, Milltek

    2014 Golf 90TSi, Comfortline, manual

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by dieselmaker View Post
    No risk of anyone else filling your vehicle, except another driver, if you live in Qld. Don't think I have ever had a servo staff member offer to fill anything for me in 10 years!!

    Although true, it is still up to the driver to keep an eye on what is going into his tank.
    The problem is that if you have been used to using petrol only, depending on circumstances, it is all too easy to forget and end up using petrol instead. It just takes a moment's distraction and you can be in trouble.

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