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Thread: Oil in the expansion tank

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by cetane View Post
    Loon's remedy works. I know, I've done it several times...but... some degreasers are quite corrosive, particularly to Al and especially where you have thin components like radiator cores. You have to get EVERY DROP OF IT OUT! This means removing the thermostat and flushing the radiator and block separately. Open drain plugs if you have them and flush...and flush...and flush... If you can, do a pH test of the water in the system after you flush for the last time (before you drop out the water an replace it with coolant). It should be as close to neutral (7) as possible.
    wise words... the addition of some mildly harmless acid solution (white vinegar perhaps) to the flush may help to neutralise any remaining caustic solution.
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  2. #12
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    Why would you take any risk of damaging cooling system? You can get funny coolant leaks or some other problems couple years down the track.
    There is a product, which actually works.

  3. #13
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    Cooling system flushes dont get all the oil out.

    But you must flush all of the degreaser out as cetane mentioned.

    Checking the ph, or adding white vinegar is a good idea too.
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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golf Loon View Post
    Cooling system flushes dont get all the oil out.

    But you must flush all of the degreaser out as cetane mentioned.

    Checking the ph, or adding white vinegar is a good idea too.
    That's not truth, I always used radiator flush only. And, if used correctly you will remove all the oil out of the cooling system at the same time like you would be using degreaser and using the same amount of water like you would be using degreaser only the difference will be that you used proper product and you don't have to worry about degreaser doing some damage to radiator, hoses, plastic components in the cooling system and cylinder head gasket. At least you would be sure that when it starts to overheat it wasn't you who killed the cooling system.

    Remember always use proper tool.
    Last edited by Transporter; 13-03-2008 at 09:43 PM. Reason: edit dext

  5. #15
    What would be the active ingredient in the radiator flush that would be able to get off all the oil?

    Grease and oil is very acidic. Degreaser is highly alkaline. It works by neutralising the grease and oil causing it to dissociate/fall apart and it then becomes easily taken up by towels or flushed away. If a radiator flush is able to perform the same job then it must also be highly alkaline.

    Your method with the radiator flush may work but I would be looking at the chemistry that makes it so effective. By far the most logical way to do this is the way described by cetane and i guarantee it is also the cheapest. The Wurth product you posted gives you the pH level but notice how it says it needs to be flushed away straight away in bold letters. It's applying the exact same principle of neutralising the buildup and breaking the bond. Either method if done correctly should cause no harm.
    Quote Originally Posted by Whubbsie View Post
    There is nothing better than a polo badge, thats why you will notice Veyron drivers with polo gti badges.... they know where the true sizzles at!

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99gti View Post
    What would be the active ingredient in the radiator flush that would be able to get off all the oil?

    Grease and oil is very acidic. Degreaser is highly alkaline. It works by neutralising the grease and oil causing it to dissociate/fall apart and it then becomes easily taken up by towels or flushed away. If a radiator flush is able to perform the same job then it must also be highly alkaline.

    Your method with the radiator flush may work but I would be looking at the chemistry that makes it so effective. By far the most logical way to do this is the way described by cetane and i guarantee it is also the cheapest. The Wurth product you posted gives you the pH level but notice how it says it needs to be flushed away straight away in bold letters. It's applying the exact same principle of neutralising the buildup and breaking the bond. Either method if done correctly should cause no harm.
    Still, the radiator flush is right product for the job and not a degreaser which you don't now what other chemicals are in it and what other effect it will have on cooling system.
    It is modern engine cooling system we talking about not a 1970 farmers tractor on its last legs.
    You should also remove expansion reservoir and clean it, before you start with flushing.

    I also use 70mm dia. and 500mm long clear PVC tube on adapter on the top of reservoir for easy removing of surfaced oil via vacuum extractor while the engine is running.

  7. #17
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    Jun 2007

    Just got a call from my dealer telling me that my oil cooler needs to be replaced under a VW it's definately a known issue with an official replacement program for T5's..mines an MY07 built in June '07.

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