If they stick the twin charger engine in the Tiguan I would be very tempted if the finance manager allows it![]()
Looks like the "possible twin turbo" diesel monster may just happen despite Euro V emission laws!
Even better, the 125kw lives on!! Now even more GTI like. That'll make the gassers happy!
Last edited by Greg Roles; 01-04-2009 at 03:48 PM.
2014 Skoda Yeti TDI Outdoor 4x4 | Audi Q3 CFGC repower | Darkside tune and Race Cams | Darkside dump pDPF | Wagner Comp IC | Snow Water Meth | Bilstein B6 H&R springs | Rays Homura 2x7 18 x 8" 255 Potenza Sports | Golf R subframe | Superpro sways and bushings | 034 engine mounts | MK6 GTI brakes |
If they stick the twin charger engine in the Tiguan I would be very tempted if the finance manager allows it![]()
2005 Subaru Outback 3.0 R Premium
Personally I'd hold out for this. Damn the kids!
But it may be a dream only....
Last edited by Greg Roles; 01-04-2009 at 04:08 PM.
2014 Skoda Yeti TDI Outdoor 4x4 | Audi Q3 CFGC repower | Darkside tune and Race Cams | Darkside dump pDPF | Wagner Comp IC | Snow Water Meth | Bilstein B6 H&R springs | Rays Homura 2x7 18 x 8" 255 Potenza Sports | Golf R subframe | Superpro sways and bushings | 034 engine mounts | MK6 GTI brakes |