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Thread: Mk1 Brakes...advice plse

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Near Daintree, North Queensland

    Mk1 Brakes...advice plse

    I recently put new vented rotors, calipers etc onto my Mk1 GLD. This was not quite a bolt-on job, but in the end got it all fitted. I have also replaced the master cylinder and the rear slaves. My vacum pump seems to be OK, booster is original.
    The brakes are now very effective, but the pedal is well down, and does not feel right. When the engine is off, the pedal is quite firm, but with the engine on, the pedal softens and drops appreciably. The brakes, in use, are not "instant" rather you have to make the pedal travel before the brakes bite.
    One thought I had was that the new calipers require a greater volume of fluid to activate them, but then doing my own brakes taught me a lot about what I don't know, so I would appreciate a few lines of advice.

  2. #2
    brackie Guest

    Been there...Done that!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Gosford Central Coast NSW
    hey there

    if the brakes are working well but it feels weird, then i'd have to say your assumption is fairly correct - the new calipers take a bit more fluid and you need more travel to fill them up. this issue has been mentioned somewhere before aobut fitting bigger brakes, i cant recall where though. if you can lock wheels and yoiu dont have to depress the pedal dangerously close to the floor, its probably something you'll have to live witgh unless you can find a different booster or something.

    also, make sure your rearws are adjusted properly. this will bring the pedal up a bit.

    good luck

    '07 Touareg V6 TDI with air suspension
    '98 Mk3 Cabriolet 2.0 8V
    '99 A4 Quattro 1.8T

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Near Daintree, North Queensland
    Thread Starter


    Sorted out the brake problems..... I fitted an oversized booster (thanks Loon) . I tried to use my new German made m/cylinder but it did not work out, so I used the Brazil made master that came with the booster. Brakes are now a joy to use: instant response, great pedal 'feel'. Of course the car only weighs 900 Kg loaded but it does not show any tendancy to lock up unless I really want it to. So I'm finally happy, thanks for the help fella's.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
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    My favourite mod for MK1 brakes has to be adjusting the pedal so it sits a little way above the clutch pedal.

    On the back of the pedal is an adjuster rod. Undo the lock nut remove the clip and wind the adjuster out until the pedal is above the clutch.

    Obviously the brakes are no better but the pedal doesn't go to the floor anymore. You soon get used to lifting your right foot a bit higher to get the brake pedal.

    I also think that pad material has heaps to do with brake feel. The ones in my GTI seem to be made of Jakaranda or some other kind of tree. They are completely wooden and even my mids 80s camry could out brake it which is nuts.

    Like you say the servo makes a big difference too. I fitted a monster one to a MK1 years ago, it came from a Carlton which is like a UK Commodore. The brakes were unreal but you only got 2 full power stops before the pads died a death.

    A MK2 servo is the ideal compromise.


  6. #6
    brackie Guest

    Smile Good to see

    Quote Originally Posted by gmhendo
    So I'm finally happy, thanks for the help fella's.
    Well done mate. It's nice to hear about success. Isn't it great the way that people on this forum support each other?

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