2. Crankcase venting.
My god!
At 800kms, my inlet was SOAKED with oil, and there was actually a pool in the elbow just prior to the turbo. Undoubtably my intercooler is already nicely oiled, and this is fine, but once the exhaust gas recycling joins the party just prior to the black plastic inlet, well I reckon soot plus oil equals sludge.
I first played around with a simple foam / scourer pad filter in the short CCV vent tube, but the sheer amount of pressure ( I would guess due to the high diesel combustion pressures ) was too great for this, and it wanted to pop off all the time. A LOT of oil venting takes place, so serious venting needs be considered.
I ended up installing the Mann & Hummell Provent 200 as outlined on TDIclub.com.
The good news is there is a Man & Hummel distributor in Sydney. The bad news is they are friggen expensive at $200 PLUS post. Ow!
I'd have to say that it is indeed a well designed and engineered item, and thus far has been working a treat in the TDI. The inlet is still spotless, and the filter is only just starting to get soaked with oil. Finding suitable hose was the biggest issue, I purchased reinforced Dunlop rubber hose to fit the 3/4 inch Provent fittings initally, but this was simply too huge. I ended up with the smaller rubber hose I bought for the lower oil trap. I made an alloy bracket between the battery platform and the firewall, and put the rather big filter below the inlet tube in the only real space there is. Only hose specific shops have any sort of suitable hoses, I tried several places first, auto shops, bunnings etc.
Running hoses was a major biarch, and mine is still only temporarily plumbed in ( ie sikaflex involved ) until I can locate either better hose, or a nicer way to plumb it.
The bottom line is that it is definately filtering out ALL the oil vented, and given the size and design, should be good for the life of the engine.