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Thread: Identify Nut

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Sutherland NSW

    Identify Nut

    Identify Nut-55-jpg
    Probably a longshot but can anyone identify where this 10 mm nut could be from? It was in the undertray when I removed it to change oil. Smooth back, no serations. Can't find any thing loose or obvious spot for it. Could have flicked up off the road but very clean.
    2011 Golf 6 TDI 103 Second Gen Common Rail.
    Last edited by carpy; 10-02-2021 at 03:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Sutherland NSW
    Thread Starter

    Found where it was from, fuel filter housing. Don't know how it vibrated off, maybe loose from factory. There are 2 x 10 mm bolts and this nut goes on a captive stud.

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